From ebay seller toystore4u.
To be honest, it's not flawless. The likeness is there but once again, the paint apps on the face look very cartoonish.
My biggest letdown has got to be the hair color. It's more gold than silver...and again makes Raiden look like a Japanese anime character.
It's ok though but a more realistic approach would have been nicer, especially when it comes to Metal Gear Solid.
Most people think Hot Toys would have done a better job on this character. They're probably right. However, there's no denying that this is still an extremely cool and impressive figure.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Raiden is BIG. About the size of a Predator actually.
When you display him alone he looks BA; next to the MGS3 figure he's a giant.
Poseability is good. If you're a little imaginative, you can get some incredible poses. But he looks terrific just standing there or unsheathing his katana.
If you're a Metal Gear fan, or simply if you enjoy kick ass 1/6 figures, you will not regret buying this, trust me. He's just a thousand times cooler than Old Snake!