Its like why does he have Splinter cell googles when he has on if he has those ******* nerd glasses.
Micheal bay "ok the purple one is the nerd on right because I just went reviewed the theme song on youtube and it said He does machines"?
Suckup "Yes sir. He's the nerd of the group".
Micheal bay "Perfect, so we need to show everyone that he is the Nerd in some way. Tell you what give him the urkle look. Im talking taped glasses, gadgets everywhere the whole nine yards".
Suckup "genius sir".
Micheal bay. "So the orange one is like a party guy right? What do teens like today. What makes you a party dude to the modern teens these days?
"Suckup "um a chain and tattoos sir"?
Micheal bay. "Brilliant.Give him a hoodie to and also make sure he uses the word yolo at least once in the movie. He's the trendy turtle so make him listen to some Rap music when he fights".
Suckup. "Ur a God among men sir".
Micheal bay. "Damn we must incorporate a stereotypical black guy in this movie somewhere. Ah I got it. Make the red one the big buff guy. He's angry right so make him like an angry huge buff black guy but green. Give him a durag to becuase my recent google search showed that blacks still wear those".
Suckup. " Oscar worthy sir"
Micheal bay. "Phew that was hard now give me the script for thundercats".