Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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could this be the first bay movie that actually bombs???

......f-- me.... it had to be the turtles movie... couldn't have happened with any of his other recent movies...
I watched the movie last night and it wasn't that bad. It's very short, moves fast, and seem heavily edited down though. Megan Fox really does try but she suffers from some poorly written dialogue. The turtles were the best part of the movie. Splinter vs Shredder fight was cool and that avalanche scene in 3D was Dope! Shredders voice was awesome and I did enjoy seeing Karai in this. All in all i give this movie a 6 out of 10. It's far from GOTG quality but still entertains. :)
I watched the movie last night and it wasn't that bad. It's very short, moves fast, and seem heavily edited down though. Megan Fox really does try but she suffers from some poorly written dialogue. The turtles were the best part of the movie. Splinter vs Shredder fight was cool and that avalanche scene in 3D was Dope! Shredders voice was awesome and I did enjoy seeing Karai in this. All in all i give this movie a 6 out of 10. It's far from GOTG quality but still entertains. :)

WOW I didnt know Karai was in this, :yess:
could this be the first bay movie that actually bombs???

......f-- me.... it had to be the turtles movie... couldn't have happened with any of his other recent movies...

Honestly I see this getting the chipmunk treatment. The first movie fell behind I am legend but spawned 2 movies with a 4th on the way. Kids will love, nostagia dudes will love it and it looks fun. If it bombs then hey we get a remake yrs later.
Karai is in a lot of the action scenes with the footclan but they never let the audience know she's Shredders daughter. You get one scene with her and him pre suit. One person i thought we'd see since he's listed as a character in IMDB was Baxter Stockman. I guess they cut him out completely along with Raph in disguise.

WOW I didnt know Karai was in this, :yess:

It's pretty bad when the blu ray is already shown

Why? lol

What's worse is it will probably be releases shortly after it's in theatres in the UK. No idea why they spread the theatrical releases so far a part. They don't get it until October.
I just saw the film and it's a piece of ****. It's not as bad as a Transformer movie, and it wasn't boring, which is good. Is it better than TMNT 2 and 3? Yes. However, the only things I like about the film are the Turtles and their chemistry and some of the action scenes. The film is 1 hour and 40 minutes, and somehow, they accomplished very little in comparison to the 1990 film. The original film was ten minutes shorter, and not only was it more faithful to the source material, it managed to give us an origin story, a more interesting villain, Casey Jones, and somehow, more time with the Turtles.

This new movie focused too much on the humans and we didn't get enough non-action scenes with the Turtles, just to see them in their home, hanging out like in the original film. One of the best parts about GOTG, is all those non-action scenes where we get to hangout with the characters and we see them interacting with each other. TMNT didn't do a good job showing the city, the sewers, the turtle's home, the turtle's relationship with Splinter or even the Turtles eating pizza.:lol Even though the original film is shorter, by the end of the film you feel like you know all the characters pretty well, and there are no loose ends. Splinter's voice was not good either and even worse, was his appearance. He must be the ugliest rat I've ever seen...would it kill them to make him cute? Rats are not that ugly. As Raphael would say, DAMN!! This film is not the worst film ever, but it could've been much better....I think we all knew that already.
everyone is better off just re-watching the 1990's turtle movie.....and Michael Bay needs to stay away
I still want the film to do well and for it to be a big hit. Why? So that the studio/Hollywood doesn't disregard the TMNT brand and put it on a shelf. If the film is a hit, sure, we get a bad sequel, but at the very least the studio knows that there is an audience and that if they make a good film they can make a lot more money, which means that at some point, they'll reboot the franchise, and the turtles get another shot. If the film bombs, it could kill the film franchise and the chances of getting a great film one day.