Michael Jackson dead at 50

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Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50


you were one talented mofo
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

Never judge a book by its cover bro.

Sorry, but his cover freaked me the ^^^^ out. I respect the guy's accomplishments and all the good he did, but that stuff gave me the creeps.
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

I haven't been a fan of Michael's for years now, but he was a big part of my youth. It's a shame his legacy will be tarnished by what he became in later years.

So long, Micheal. Thanks for Thriller.
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

So.... I wonder how much the scalpers are hocking the Hot Toys figure for?
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

This will shock the world like when Elvis and John Lennon died. I remember seeing the news reports of both of those passing, and was only a little kid. And there is of course Princess Diana
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

Wow, that's terrible news! As crazy as he was, he will be missed...
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

Rest in Peace Captain Eo.

Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

Come on guys, no matter what you thought, lets keep it respectful please.
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

how about a micheal jackson premium format
sideshow exclusive comes with bubbles??
Re: Micheal Jackson dead at 50

So much for his life-extending sleep chamber, huh?
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