Super Freak
SJ never looked soooo good.
yeah i hate it when people say things like that and then post them in a forum for all to read.
Part 2 was really weak IMO. Favreau had way too much forced comedy (that wasnt funny) and basically no action. Rourke had potential and was ok but could have been used much better. Last battle was awful. Don Cheadle was really bad in it and showed no chemistry at all with Downey Jr. Missed Terrence's Rhodes for sure, as he had much better chemistry with Stark. SJ's character was pretty useless. The musical score was a lot better in part 1 as well. 2didnt use nearly enough of the main themes from part 1. I won't even comment on Gary Shandling's character...or Hammer's CEO. God.
2 out of 5 for me. No drama or suspense at all....I was bored most of the time while watching it and never got bored once with Iron Man 1.
Oh well. Part 1 had so many classic moments and is one of the best superhero movies of all time. Part 2 just fell short...big time. At least it wasnt Transformers 2 bad though.
The only problem was that I have specifically avoided finding out what the scene at the end of the credits was since it got leaked. Then, during the credits, the dumb _____ next to me turns and says "Just so you know, %$^%$^&%$ is going to be on after the credits."
I loved the movie. Had a great time. I definitely feel like it matched the first. It told a good story and had some great dialogue. There were a few parts I felt provided plotholes, but they ended up getting explained so it all came together just fine.
The only problem was that I have specifically avoided finding out what the scene at the end of the credits was since it got leaked. Then, during the credits, the dumb _____ next to me turns and says "Just so you know, Thor's hammer is going to be on after the credits."
I told her off and nearly got into a fight with her boyfriend after that. Otherwise, it was a great experience. There were a ton of comic geeks there I ended up meeting and getting the chance to talk to.
Oh, cry me a river.
Seriously dude, this is a forum about the midnight release of the movie, which means its for people who went to see it at midnight to post in. we should all know what the scene was.
if you came in here expecting otherwise its your own fault in this case. ive specifically avoided going into threads involving iron man 2 since the movie came out in europe last week to avoid getting spoiled myself.
Ya it sucks when ppl spoil things like that, I'm glad you dont partake in such things.
geez i wonder why you almost got into a fight in a movie theater
first you post how it pissed you off so much that someone said something to you in the thearter, to the point that you get into a fight in a public place, then you turn around and do it yourself in a forum that has spoiler tags for such things..
btw i already knew that HUGE secret so no harm done here, but i think someone needs some anger management.
so there
SJ never looked soooo good.