It was only yesterday
The 1 day I decided to go to bed early Beto posts a picture of Beetlejuice and Rainman announces his next project
Should know better than to go to bed early around here
It was only yesterday
The 1 day I decided to go to bed early Beto posts a picture of Beetlejuice and Rainman announces his next project
Should know better than to go to bed early around here
Wondering if you had any luck with this PCK?
WERD! I hate when 1:1 life gets in the way of my great escape
I've been devoting my spare time to some other projects so I haven't wrapped my brain around this since I last mentioned it. It's hard to tell from the pics but that outit on skooternb's figure looks like the direction we want to go. It should have the texture of the coat but the weight of the suit.
Well this would be the place to gather interest so:
We want to gather enough people to show convincing interest to one of the talanted tailors here to make this suit. All who are interested please speak up. Also let's kick ideas around who the best person for the job may be. My preference is Kato but I know a lot of people may not want to go that pricey. What do you dudes think?
Nice idea think it would be a real winner for all those who picked up the second sculpt with the DX set. I can't see too many who only got the hatted head going for it tho. A decent DDL sculpt to go with it for a second figure would not be easy to find. I spoke to Kato less than a month ago asking if he'd be interested in taking up some custom work for me and he's apparently backed up for projects until the beginning next year at the earliest. Might be worth still asking tho if he really loves the idea he might fit it in.
man i love the charcoal suit idea. its such crucial Plainviw gear. wish i could have gotten a hatless sculpt but i had never bought from rainman before.
Rainman is still preparing the "milkshake man". Will be shipped in approximately 10 days.![]()
Well this would be the place to gather interest so:
We want to gather enough people to show convincing interest to one of the talanted tailors here to make this suit. All who are interested please speak up. Also let's kick ideas around who the best person for the job may be. My preference is Kato but I know a lot of people may not want to go that pricey. What do you dudes think?
Nice shots bro. First time that I'm taking notice that the jacket doesn't have a vent.
There were a lot of people who wanted this but I guess they wanted it to come with the fig and not have to pay more for it. Hopefully were not alone and a few more folks jump in. If not and you have someone who can nail this in mind, I'll be in with you
I thought you were just throwing in that last one purely for sheitz & giggles
Here's one from a deleted scene
I grabbed the shot online but I gotta check where the scene is. I saw it but I forget where it is. I have the Blu ray & DVD. I believe they have the same exact special features.
That was a scene that HW was giving him a straight razor haircut. I'm a bit undecided about it. He shows a lot of affection toward HW in it which fortifies some aspects of the movie and contradicts others. I'm curious to look into why Paul Thomas Anderson scrapped it.