Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Just one more and we break the 15 barrier!
Just one more and we break the 15 barrier!
Anyone see this yet? Likness is pretty good!
Hmm... for the price it should come with the leather jacket. IKE-CON recently did a version of this - the head on this is better but the clothes were also by Harue and included the leather jacket she wore. The gun also had movie accurate clear magazine. I'm not particularly happy with the head but I'm almost certain its the paint rather than the sculpt (which was done by Reggie from OSW) - I'm tossing up whether to try get smallstudios to do a repaint - he did a great job on my SRAMOS milla head... or whether to just hold out for the C Howes version.
Currently up on ebay
I like the one small studios posted much better. I am not a fan of the hair (I like sculpted better) and the face is way off.
But for the price of the one small studios posted I would want it to be an actual statue and not an action figure.
Hello again Chris!
I have been finally able to open a paypal/ebay account, so payment for Milla will be through paypal.
So I can pace my expenditures, what time frame are you expecting to have Milla ready and when would be the latest for you to be paid?
Thanks and looking forward to Milla and the ST crew!
Yes - but the price difference is $US250 or so vs $US650
Add a chris howe sculpt for $US20 and $US50 to paint it and you have an as good or better figure for less than half the price.
Milla is too beautiful to capture in a sculpt I think
Just found this old photo, can't remember where I found it.
Maybe someone can fill in.
The final production pics for the IKE-Con fig are ^^^^ing horrid. $300 worth of horridness.
Hey WST I was wondering if you could put me down for mila res 1. I'm already down for 2 and 3. figured might as well go for all three!![]()
Thx Saya![]()