You think this is acceptable?
Maglor and Nam, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G....
Sorry. Stuck up, snobby females =/= NAM's type.![]()
Hey guys... there are soooo many pages on this thread... I need to ask because it's too long - what's going on? Is there a new Batman figure coming out? why all the talk about selling DX?
Hey guys... there are soooo many pages on this thread... I need to ask because it's too long - what's going on? Is there a new Batman figure coming out? why all the talk about selling DX?
Also, this leak of oil from the abs... does it just keep coming and coming and coming? endless?
People are selling because it's worth almost 3 times what it retailed for. And there will be another figure coming out for TDK Rises, which is one reason I am not selling mine right now. People will go crazy trying to collect all of the Nolan batsuits once the figure Mk I crazy.
I dunno. Freaks sold the hell out of the BB suit to get the TDK OC suit. If HT releases a TDK suit that's better than the DX02 for TDKR, I see that cycle repeating and the price dropping. So maybe selling now is a good thing?
I dunno. Freaks sold the hell out of the BB suit to get the TDK OC suit. If HT releases a TDK suit that's better than the DX02 for TDKR, I see that cycle repeating and the price dropping. So maybe selling now is a good thing?
I dunno. Freaks sold the hell out of the BB suit to get the TDK OC suit. If HT releases a TDK suit that's better than the DX02 for TDKR, I see that cycle repeating and the price dropping. So maybe selling now is a good thing?
This is true, but I'm banking on TDKR introducing a new suit, if not entirely new, then with a few variations. If they don't introduce a new suit, then now is the time to sell the DX for sure. If they do, the DX02 will skyrocket, because I don't see HT revisiting the suit a 3rd time without a new film as an excuse.
I've had this thought as well. It's so hard to predict this stuff.
Given they've produced the OC costume 3 times now, I wouldn't put it past them. Plus they'll be looking to recoup face for the DX02 fiasco.
Plus they'll be looking to recoup face for the DX02 fiasco.
I got my DX02 a few months ago from a fellow board member. He said he never had any leak issues, even though it was the rubber abs. I was switching the belts last night, and found there to be tissue paper shoved up under the abs, where obviously there was some leaking.
Now I haven't had any issues with leaking since I received him back in March, but I also don't want to end up with a leaky, worthless DX02 Bats that I dropped 4 bills on either. Should I be worried about more leaking, and do I have any recourse against the seller?
I got my DX02 a few months ago from a fellow board member. He said he never had any leak issues, even though it was the rubber abs. I was switching the belts last night, and found there to be tissue paper shoved up under the abs, where obviously there was some leaking.
Now I haven't had any issues with leaking since I received him back in March, but I also don't want to end up with a leaky, worthless DX02 Bats that I dropped 4 bills on either. Should I be worried about more leaking, and do I have any recourse against the seller?
Maybe he shoved the tissue paper behind the ab plates when he got it and never worried about it cause he never saw the oil leaking from the front. Just giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.
I do think you should reach out to him about it though.
I got my DX02 a few months ago from a fellow board member. He said he never had any leak issues, even though it was the rubber abs. I was switching the belts last night, and found there to be tissue paper shoved up under the abs, where obviously there was some leaking.
Now I haven't had any issues with leaking since I received him back in March, but I also don't want to end up with a leaky, worthless DX02 Bats that I dropped 4 bills on either. Should I be worried about more leaking, and do I have any recourse against the seller?
Get your money back. Only a total chump (or the lying bastard of a seller) would give him the benefit of the doubt. You'll probably be able to find another one for the same price, or just hold onto the $$$ for the TDKR figure.