Barry, are there any basic must-futz details for this figure? On mine, it looks like the red overwear and belt might be pulled up too high. Also the inseam doesn't look like it's pulled up tight enough to his crotch. Makes it look almost like someone gave him a wedgie.
The (full sized) image is grainy and blurry - once futzed I'll set up a tripod to get a sharper image with better lighting.
See what I'm talking about his underoos?
this might help show how many lights were stuffed in there
Heres my reeve Superman with my custom light up base - drilled some holes , spent 2 bucks on battery Christmas lights . shoved them inside each crystal block . The battery compartment is connected by a wire going out the back , there was no way I could fit in the hollow base at all.
anyways here it is and let me know if you need any help if you wanted to do this too. - Its easy !! it took about 30 mins in total.
I opted for white colour lights - I just think white looks great
There is something about Reeves supes and the fortresss of solitude look that just strikes a chord with me.
Just opened this today, looks like my "new" figure is ex display. The neck post is cracked, the head still sits there but comes off really easy when trying to pose it. Is it difficult to change it out?