If the DiFabio or me of 4 years ago, the one that paid $140 for Bank Robber Jokers and less than $170 for DX figures, saw the prices I was paying now for these things, he'd think I was nuts. I remember back when I thought $150 for 1/6 figures was too much but I convinced myself that it was all good, all fair deals ("eh, it's Batman"). Now $190 seems like a fair deal to me and I know deep down there's something wrong.
As the times change and prices increase I get more desensitized by the prices, especially after the recent '89 Batman figures. It's going to reach a point where regular $300 figures won't even surprise or shock me anymore (and we all know we're approaching that day with certain figures).
I can swing this, god knows I've paid more for a 1/6 figure and even a 1/4 but I think I gotta stop based on principle alone. $200 plus shipped for this is sort of crazy. I look at my list of Wants/Buys/Preorders, some figures that aren't coming out for months and possibly even a year and I think, "what am I doing".
I really thought it'd be less than $200 shipped. Like $179 or $180ish or something even with that exclusive cowl. The most I thought would be Black Widow's price which was $189 (which is still too much). Past $200 though, eh, forget it. I think I'm out of this hobby for good (yeah, yeah, good riddance, don't let the door hit you on the way out).
I mean she's as much as Bane.
Maybe I'll get her this time next year (September 2013) if she's cheap on ebay or something and gets clearanced but for now, man, I just don't know. Is there any point in preordering her? Other than show exclusives has there been any point in preordering anything right away? She's not nearly as bad as Wolverine and I know I still have a few releases to go before I'm out of the game (Batman Returns, Robocop, etc.) but like you said, "it feels like this is going nowhere real fast".
End rant.