Super Freak
Re: Hot Toys MMS188 The Dark Knight Rises: Selina Kyle/Catwoman Figure Full Specs & P
****ing teasers
****ing teasers
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You paid it in full? Bit of a gamble innit?
You can see from the hair and ear on the teaser that it's the Selina sculpt, never mind the obvious material on the bodysuit.
Now, who is Plastic Enemies? And do they have all teaser items in-hand when they post up their photos? And if they have them in-hand, what's the point of delaying full photos with teasers for days/weeks?
That proves she has removable mask, and proves the truе nature of all the recasts.
Come, come Selina
new picture on FB.. all i'll say is i hope it isn't the HT one they are showing..
How does that prove the mast is removable? Go to the first page and look at the pics, the mask sits above her ears and then only show from the ear down. You can't see what's above it.
If you see the teaser carefully, there is no mask frame on the sides of her temple...which means she can be unmasked....
Nothing HT related really makes sense.
Wait... I think I see it. The dark shadow in her hair is the ear and the lighter part is her temple and part of her eyebrow. Gotcha.