I think they captured her "You've given them everything!" look pretty well.
Yeah. And there is the hard nosed look of sass she gave Bruce earlier in there too "One day soon you and your friends are going to be called to account for living so large and leaving so little for the rest of us..."
I love it- just happy we are getting it...just so ready to have her riding on the Batpod.........
Again that line was delivered with a wide, almost vicious smile. This figure needs a different expression.
And now for the inevitable question from the wife: "a dominatrix; really?"
Only downside to rooted hair as far as I can tell is that it is almost guaranteed to have QC issues out of the box. There seems to be a complete lack of consistency with what people might get. Sometimes the hair is longer, sometimes it is parted differently, sometimes it naturally flows in the front, sometimes the back etc... These all seem like simple fixes though. Everyone gets worried you need hair gel and all this stuff, but it sounds to me like warm water is all you actually need, and maybe a small comb.
And some oxygen for my wife when she walks in to see me with my 1:6 Anne Hathaway, warm water and small comb!
from the pic,I think there is a strong possiblility that the mask comes offFor sure.
I am just keeping my fingers crossed that, as the hair is UNDER her mask, and rooted, that the mask will come off...
That, and only that, will have me buying this one.
There are worse things to be caught with a 1:6 Anne Hathaway by the wife.
Dat neck joint.
Otherwise she looks okay, I guess.