The goggles are fragile, a lot of people broke theirs, I don't know if anyone figured anything out but people would just buy parted out spares in case that happened.
Made this a long while back as a tribute to Alex Ross' Tango With Evil
I just won Selina off eBay, she should be here Monday. This will be my third female HT figure, my goal is to have one of my detolfs full of just heroines.
I just won Selina off eBay, she should be here Monday. This will be my third female HT figure, my goal is to have one of my detolfs full of just heroines.
Congratulations, and welcome to the Selina club! This is my only female HT figure (so far), but it's also one of my favorites. There are some good pictures in this thread, and I still wasn't prepared for how good it would look in person. Just be careful with the goggles!
Good time to start. I'm thinking the same thing. I have 2 Black Widows and Maria Hill. It's the era of female Hot Toys. We now have Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Woman and hopefully her Amazon friends. Maybe Sharon Carter, Peggy, Harley Quinn, Captain Marvel. Would like a Supergirl if they did TV.
She showed up today, had a hell of a time with the goggles. However, I eventually figured out that if you position the goggles how she wears them in the film, it makes them easier to slide up and down her face. This helped tremendously because I then had to take them off a couple of times to get the hair looking acceptable. I must say, she really is impressive, so glad I picked her up.
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Looks good! Those goggles really are annoying to put on while also making sure the hair is lined up perfectly flush behind her ears (minor nitpick- I can see there are some tufts behind the ears on your figure). I must have spent hours trying to put them on (including the time spent re-styling the hair in between goggle attempts).
Slightly off-topic question, but how do you like the Avengers Black Widow (overall and in comparison to Selina)? I've been thinking of picking that figure up but keep going back and forth about it.