Awesome job on the eye mod, Bar, and that Clark Kent is the best I've seen!![]()
Thanks a lot!
Awesome job on the eye mod, Bar, and that Clark Kent is the best I've seen!![]()
Here are some bodies for comparison.
From left to right:
-MMS-200 body with a knock off head (I don't remember if I have short or long pegs on this one).
-TTM-20 with an undersized knock off custom head.
-Kaustic Plastik muscular body with a TTM-19 head (neck had to be modified).
Again, left to right:
-DX-10 body (same thing as TTM-20) with TTM-19 head.
-MMS-152 (CR Superman) body with TTM-19 head.
-MMS-136 (Terminator) body with TTM-19 head.
I hope these help those who want to customize their figures.
I find the MMS-200 body to be the best of the lot, the proportions and natural stance are unparalleled in my opinion.
The KP bodies have odd proportions with skinny legs that are too far apart, the arms aren't very convincing and they have no butt.
The Terminator bodies (DX-10, TTM-20, MMS-136 and MMS-117) have the trademark enormous Armold saggy pecs, they also have a very pointy butt and massive legs.
This works well for the T-800 but looks really bad under tight suits in my opinion.
This is not an attack on Bar's custom figures of course, I really enjoy them, the TTM-20/MOS is just not my cup of tea.
Finally the Christopher Reeve body looks great under a suit if you want a muscular yet lean Superman, much better than the TTM-19 body IMO.
I wouldn't dream of changing the MMS-200 body for an MOS Superman figure since I find it to be perfect but that's just me.
If the size really bothers some that much put shorter pegs on, they do not alter the proportions in a bad way and it will still look much better than a body ill suited for this figure.
There are also ways to display the figure that minimize the size difference.
Just my two cents...
Here are some bodies for comparison.
From left to right:
-MMS-200 body with a knock off head (I don't remember if I have short or long pegs on this one).
-TTM-20 with an undersized knock off custom head.
-Kaustic Plastik muscular body with a TTM-19 head (neck had to be modified).
Again, left to right:
-DX-10 body (same thing as TTM-20) with TTM-19 head.
-MMS-152 (CR Superman) body with TTM-19 head.
-MMS-136 (Terminator) body with TTM-19 head.
I hope these help those who want to customize their figures.
I find the MMS-200 body to be the best of the lot, the proportions and natural stance are unparalleled in my opinion.
The KP bodies have odd proportions with skinny legs that are too far apart, the arms aren't very convincing and they have no butt.
The Terminator bodies (DX-10, TTM-20, MMS-136 and MMS-117) have the trademark enormous Armold saggy pecs, they also have a very pointy butt and massive legs.
This works well for the T-800 but looks really bad under tight suits in my opinion.
This is not an attack on Bar's custom figures of course, I really enjoy them, the TTM-20/MOS is just not my cup of tea.
Finally the Christopher Reeve body looks great under a suit if you want a muscular yet lean Superman, much better than the TTM-19 body IMO.
I wouldn't dream of changing the MMS-200 body for an MOS Superman figure since I find it to be perfect but that's just me.
If the size really bothers some that much put shorter pegs on, they do not alter the proportions in a bad way and it will still look much better than a body ill suited for this figure.
There are also ways to display the figure that minimize the size difference.
Just my two cents...
I think the far right would make a good Captain America custom, not sure about Supes
The thing about Cavill is that he has the pecks and abs but he's got a little bit of a slender waist like HTs did.
No it's not, and yes I know you've been using their smaller figure (same width in both cases).... the KP's thigh width is deceptively large.
No it's not, and yes I know you've been using their smaller figure (same width in both cases).
I also don't think the MOS torso is too long, it just looks realistic.
Then again you'd rather put a poorly proportioned body on a figure that was (for once) perfectly designed for the figure, I'm looking forward to the pictures.
As you said it's "just differences of opinion", sigh...
The eyes mod is awesome mate.
Id like to do that.
Is the bootlegg Head well done?
The eyes mod is awesome mate.
Id like to do that.
Is the bootlegg Head well done?
Doing any commissions?looks sick!!!awesome job!!!
Very nice. Is it all painted?
And the paint doesn't crack the suit when you repose it?
No it does not .