Is it too late to get in on this? I?ve been around this board since the early sideshow/weta LoTR days and I dropped off for a while after selling most of my collection. But, as the owner of an enormous Mola Ram/ToD stomach tattoo, I can?t let this slip by me. I just (re)bought the sideshow ToD Indy off eBay the other day and I?d love to add this Mola Ram to the collection too. (And thanks for all of the info/reference/and all around good reading on here).
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I'd also like to know if its too late, because i am interested as well. Thanks!
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No one is late. All are welcome.
This isn't the kind of run where you preorder with a deposit. Its more of a kit project. And at the moment, there is not an edition size, although one may be imposed by the artist. Once the head sculpt and outfit and other bits are ready, you will be able to simply order what you want through the artist directly. I'm trying my best to coordinate the parts so that everything becomes available at the same time or close to it but we will see if that works out.
In any event, you will be able to see everything here before you need to order.
After that I expect this thread will be a place people come to share tips on how best to put together your Mola Ram parts.
Also, you will still need to get a body for yourself, as well as black boots and a pair of black pants. At the moment, I'm still looking for just the right body. The closest I have come upon is the JXToys S01 body. Its slimmer than Mola but its not as overly muscular as all the others available. And the Fat body is just too fat. It should work for the parts of Mola that are exposed... but I'm hoping for a better option eventually.