KA should have her own thread....
I'm all for it:

Here's a vid of her 1974 Bowie sculpt, by the way.
KA should have her own thread....
The first of those three Bowies is utter crap, good to see the improvement in the other two
I hope you are joking? lol
I've noticed they've take down the forum part of their website. I guess they got tired of deleting comments. I find it pretty interesting that they still have K.A. Kim as an artist on their website. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be too happy with them using her name after they screwed her over. Undoubtedly trying to keep legitimacy.
I've noticed they've take down the forum part of their website. I guess they got tired of deleting comments. I find it pretty interesting that they still have K.A. Kim as an artist on their website. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be too happy with them using her name after they screwed her over. Undoubtedly trying to keep legitimacy.
Pretty sad when you see that on her own social media she has pretty much changed her name to "K.A. Kim I don't Work for Molecule8."
The idiocy still continues.
That's the lasting legacy of such companies in the 1:6 hobby.
Someone did this