See, when I first saw the DreamEX Turtles aI fell quite hard for them. But it was only after I looked a bit deeper they started to feel more like a mid 90s/Spawn/Frank Miller "Grim Dark" take on the heroes in a half shell.
This isn't to say this is a bad thing, far from it. They still look great of course but its feels like a lot of what made awesome to me has been removed. The specific shades for each turtle, its there but not as prominant as it was on the cartoon/original playmates toys. The "ripped" nature of the turtles is not bad, but again we stumble into "gritty" territory so again it just doesn't feel right.
Ultimately the Turtles I relate most to are the ones from the cartoon series, the original playmates toys and the 90s film, and thanks to NECA making sure ayone in the UK will have to pay silly prices to get hold of those I am left to choose between DreamEX or Mondo, and at this moment I have a feeling Mondo are going to win.
Because even the DreamEX ones are a bugger to get in the UK now.