Super Freak
Another video tomorrow and a full review will be on the next episode of The Hottoycast.
Another video tomorrow and a full review will be on the next episode of The Hottoycast.
I still cannot get past that head sculpt. It is too elongated and just looks like a male model with a blonde bowl cut.
Don't get those He-Man feels at all from it.
That's my main issue. It's a nice enough figure, the design is solid, the weapons look mostly great, but I look at it and that face just doesn't scream He-Man to me. Not a big fan of the shoulders and how the chestplate armour sits, either. I could get past some of the clumpy paint and other minor quibbles, but somehow the overall He-Manness is just a bit lacking for me, and that just kills it for me.
Anyway, thanks for the pics, Eamon.