MonkeyRobotMaster Customs!

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Looks great to me!

Now cast him before you add hair! :wink1: :D

P.S. Could you please stop putting your photobucket URL's in the IMG feature, the photobucket URL's already have the in place.

Seeing "[IMG]" before and after [I]all[/I] your pics is driving me crazy!!! :panic: :cuckoo:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

See? Just plop them right into your posts!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

What I love about this sculpt is that he looks sooo pissed off like in the movie-still of him next to the pile if burning money

My bad Mag, Wasn't thinking. :) Don't worry G unpainted with hair will be 100$ and painted with hair will be 120$. I'm trying to keep cost low so I don't have to charge as much as some people have. Anyway, I should have some ready before Xmas. If anyone else is interested let me know. Thanks.
My bad Mag, Wasn't thinking. :) Don't worry G unpainted with hair will be 100$ and painted with hair will be 120$. I'm trying to keep cost low so I don't have to charge as much as some people have. Anyway, I should have some ready before Xmas. If anyone else is interested let me know. Thanks.

Hopefully that price isn't to crazy for anyone. If I can get casting materials cheap it may be lower.

That price is pretty good for me man. I gotta start putting monies aside for that. Hopefully my architecture supplies don't keep me down as i really want this sculpt. Some may say it's the same old expression, but there's something differen about it that draws me to it. But for that price I may just get a painted one instead, so I can have a complete original :rock heck I just may get another with different paint apps so I can start having a collection of different jokers but I won't get ahead of myself
My bad Mag, Wasn't thinking. :)

No worries. :)

Also, you are copying the HTML code instead if the IMG code at photobucket. Both will show up in your post fine, but the HTML code works as a link to your JustD1016 photobucket album. When I click on one of your pictures it takes me to the picture in your album, but it doesn't let me view other pictures so there really is no reason to use the HTML code. :peace

Don't worry G unpainted with hair will be 100$ and painted with hair will be 120$. I'm trying to keep cost low so I don't have to charge as much as some people have. Anyway, I should have some ready before Xmas. If anyone else is interested let me know. Thanks.

That sounds like a reasonable price to me.

Although it will be very tempting to get one, I am not planning on it. I have so many other things on the plate right now. But I'm sure people will be interested in this. :)
Finished the sculpt this afternoon, and ordering all the casting materials I'll need next week! After I cast him I'll slap some hair on the prototype so you guys can see him dolled up (no pun intended). :)
I have to have this sculpt! Good thing you said before Christmas, as I will need all the time I can get inorder to save for it! Lol :lol

Can't wait to see it with hair!

Thanks, dude! They could be done sooner, but like I said working in this scale is new to me. So I've got some experimenting to do, but don't worry I'll make sure you get yours. :1-1:
Hey, mokneyrobotmaster, maybe this two pages of shots could be useful for you. ;) click
And it seems to me that he's smile is a little orange, not totally red. Find it out, man.
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