MonkeyRobotMaster Customs!

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Hey, mokneyrobotmaster, maybe this two pages of shots could be useful for you. ;) click
And it seems to me that he's smile is a little orange, not totally red. Find it out, man.

Thanks for the link, and I assure you that the paint I used on his lips/scars is definitely red. It's the lighting that's throwing you off.
Nope, I mean that the Joker in mover has little orange in his lips painting, friend. ;) Just check out the movie and decide it for yourself. ;)
I don't see orange in any of the Hot Toys paint ups. Or other customs for that matter. :dunno
The red is indeed red in the film, however depending on how worn his makeup is in from scene to scene I can see how it could look less then red especially if his skin tone is showing through some. Also I'm still in the prototype phase and the paint is not finale. It's just to give a rough idea of were I'm at, but thanks for looking out though. :)
Sport jacket and purple coat correction. I think my DX Joker is done now. Yay!

Looks great to me, but I'm sure someone will pipe in with 'the liner needs to be orange' or some such nonsense. :lol ;)
Yes, the the lining inside the purple coat is a bit more red orange/ burnt orange, but that's the one thing I don't care about being wrong. So take that all you guys who might say something about it!!! ahhahahahahahahahhahha....hhhhhhhhhhaaaaa! :D :lol
I'm with you. Redder is Better! :hi5:

agreed! i think that HT went for screen accuracy not so much actual costume accuracy. B/c when I watch TDK the lining looks pretty red matching the lining of the coats. But obviously the actual coat was more of a burnt orange like what the DCD overcoat had.
Agreed, I've poured over tons of stills from the film, mainly the mob scene, since that's the point of the film I've kept him posed from. All the stills I've looked at his coat lining always appears more red then anything. In fact the only time I've seen the lining look orange is from the promo photos.
I think there's a lot of fords and craigs out there... how about try a Gambol from TDK so we can pose our jokers with a knife in his mouth LOL
True there are a lot of Ford and Craig sculpts, but I can't really think of anyone that hasn't been done to death. Maybe Gordon instead of Gambol, or perhaps a Scarecrow with removable mask.
True there are a lot of Ford and Craig sculpts, but I can't really think of anyone that hasn't been done to death. Maybe Gordon instead of Gambol, or perhaps a Scarecrow with removable mask.

Would love to see either buddy - only one Gordon out there by Spenser (there's actually another by some guy on toy world but he never made it available)
Would really love to see Daniel Craig done by you buddy. Sure there are a couple of him out there but how many are actually good!?

The likeness on your Joker is sublime so i'd love to see your take on 007!!

Can't wait to see whatever it is you do though Craig gets my vote!