Hi guys!
It is an awesome sculpture. I just paid my second Flexpay and will be receiving him next month. However I do agree that his clothes are too red and should have been a bit darker like the photos. I don't know why SS didn't update the site before sending it but if you think that it should be darker, there' something you can do.....
You can darken his clothes by doing some washes with burnt umber, red oxide and maybe some grey. You can mix it with windshield washer (the blue liquid you use in your car to clean your windshields) because it has a mix of water and alcohol already and the blue does not change the color of the paint. Just mask the Orc's skin and with normal tape so the paint doesn't get on it. Just make sure is the non permanent tape because those are not very sticky.
Then mix the pain about 60% washer to 40% paint and try in a place you can't really see it first to see if it works. Let it dry and you will have an idea if it is too much or if you should add more washer to it. It is better to be add to it than getting a heavy coat and not be able to take it off.
That will probably darken the material and make it look more natural and worn. Try to do spots of mainly brown and some grey and red here and there. so to make it a bit more natural looking.
It is easier than it sounds and it will give you a closer look to the prototype. Just remember to go slow and try a small section first to see the results before doing the entire thing. you can always PM with questions. I've done this before and worked fine. However if you want to wait until I get mine and do it so I can show you guys how it works, that's fine too.