Morpheus from Matrix . . .

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Wow so you plan on making 30 figures?

Edit: sorry just went back and read the specs
So incredibly excited for this now that I'm committed to working it into the budget :yess:
Wow, those look great evilface!

I appreciate all the enthusiasm for this project as well guys, it's really encouraging.
It's been a lot of work for me finding all the parts, contacting artists, and BUDGETING (i don't have too much capital lol), but it'll all be worth it for me when I have him sitting on my desk :)

A slight update/teaser: NEO IS NEXT thanks to Kato.
Before I took on this project, I made a deal with Kato (because he was a MUST in this project) that I would sculpt any public head he chooses if he made the outfit for Morpheus, and he graciously (for ya'll I'd say) chose NEO to be the next project. But I'm guessing it'll be ready and such around summer if I sculpt him this winter. I expect it will be cheaper too since the outfit is simpler and less accessories perhaps as well

For the edition size, it's almost completely dependent on how the early preorders go. In mid October, if I only get 15 people who want the full figure, the final edition size will be around 21. Basically, only about 5 or so figures will be still available for preorder after the mid-october preorder. After that I will close the edition size for sure. The number of outfit sets and repainted heads is also dependent on that preorder in October because the full figures are first priority for the painter, Sean Ho. If I get 25 orders in Mid October I will make the edition size 29, etc.

This is mostly because I don't have enough money sitting in my bank account to buy any more extra figures than the actual preorders :)

Everything is coming together pretty well :) I will have another sneak peak next week

a BIG thank you to Daniel for making my dream real :D And thanks for taking all your time and budget into this project. You're really putting your heart into this project and you can see it. Lovely lovely figure!

And thanks also to Kato for his wish for a Neo :D Summer can't come any sooner :)
Oh my! awesome news about Neo, but then again, I don't have the money for Morpheus :( . I'm so jealous of those on the preorder, haha.
:lol let me know and i will be your wing man anyday :wink1: :lol

Outstanding work on the clothes, especially the jacket, just mind blowing.

Also, absolutely amazing news on NEO! I know now i'm going to do what ever it takes to get him.

Can I ask, which version is it, Matrix 1, or Reloaded / Revolutions?

I have a custom figure of both, but of course i'm always looking to upgrade, so i'm definitely in for the headsculpt, but then I think to myself, how can I not want kato's tailoring work on grail figures! :panic: Something to look forward to for next year already, Had I best start working overtime now!? :lol
Is there a slot free for a full version??
Just added you to the list. The list is pretty long (37 people right now) but it's only an interest list so we'll see how the actual preorders go :)

Hey Platty,
I think its the second one because Kato has already found the perfect material for the priest outfit? But I could be wrong and there's still a lot of time for discussion on it (Kato can tell you more i think?) since I wont be starting the sculpt til mid December.