Media Mortal Kombat X

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But in reality, MK3 was the peak of this series.
It was new yet the same. It wasn't perfect but still very good.
The irony... :lol
When mortal kombat 3 had come out, the 7-11 by my house had the arcade cabinet (when 7-11 still had cabinets) and me and my friends would spend so much money in there. There was even a game informer or one of those gaming magazines on sale that had all the moves and fatalities listed so we'd run over, grab the magazine and prop it up while we played.

I will admit though that I was just a cheap bastard and would play as Cyrax and spam the net and hit them with a huge combo. I best the game so many times at the cabinet doing it. Everyone hated playing against me as well.
How is this being reviewed even by Conan ? They usually review on release and this is months away ??
From what I've heard online, some of the costumes we've seen on the revealed characters aren't even their default costume but alternates. They haven't stated which characters though.

Also there's now a petition to get Oderus Urungus of Gwar as a playable character for Mortal Kombat X. They're looking for 5000 signatures and are at something like 3700.