Most Violent/Bloody Movies

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Shogun Assasin was very violent for it's day...lots of cool blood too...the film was 1980 but it was really filmed about 1970-71...amazing back in the day
The Wild Bunch in I remember 1969 was considered as one of the most violent and bloody films of it's day
I actually watched the uncut Serbian Film back in 2011. It's quite violent although honestly not as bad as I expected.
^ That movie ****ing sucks. It was shock for the sake of shock.

Newborn Porn....come on. **** you. I hate every single person who made that movie. I hope they get their eyes gouged out.

Not because it was offensive. But because it was offensively stupid.
^ That movie ****ing sucks. It was shock for the sake of shock.

Newborn Porn....come on. **** you. I hate every single person who made that movie. I hope they get their eyes gouged out.

Not because it was offensive. But because it was offensively stupid.

Call me sick, but I actually laughed at that scene. It was too over the top for me to take seriously, like the filmmakers were reaching to really shock the viewer.
I won't call you sick, because I laughed too. It was over the top in the worst way possible, and had the fakest looking baby I've ever seen.
Have not mentioned Centipede because I have not seen either film, nor will I ever. I know more than I want to know already, just from reading reviews of them. [Which universally panned both films, btw.]

As for Argento, his films have never scared me. I've seen Suspiria and one other, so bad I dont even remember what it was called. Both of them struck me as poorly made; they tried hard to shock but never came anywheres near it.

I was really surprised, having heard Suspiria especially praised to the skies and beyond. "Repetitive" and "pedestrian" are adjectives that come to mind. The soundtrack was annoying.
We refuse to watch that trash. Unlike you.

Geez. Try a diaper change there, kiddo. You can resume postwhoring and referring to yourself as "we" after you're dry again. :wave

Have not mentioned Centipede because I have not seen either film, nor will I ever.

I never seen either myself. Had them described to me.
Given the love of gratuitous torture porn today and the generally neophyte tastes here I was surprised no one had mentioned it.

As for Argento, his films have never scared me. I've seen Suspiria and one other, so bad I dont even remember what it was called.

So you've seen a whopping two of his films and can't even remember both titles . . . sounds like your memory may be impairing your ability as a film critic. His stuff can seem dated to someone born after 1990 . . . :wink1:

Go watch Tenebre, Inferno, Mother Of Tears, and The Bird with the Crystal Plumage.
Or don't. Your ignorance is no one's loss but your own.

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Didn't one of the hot shots movie with charlie sheen have a body counter in the corner of the screen?I believe it stopped when they set the record for most movie kills.