Super Freak
I would like more Iron Man

I think some of mine are already in the works.
would only care about a Venom if they make one. We need one with a classic Mcfarlane head and a modern, less tongue head. Some of the names you guys are throwing out, hard to believe many would spend close to a grand for them.
would only care about a Venom if they make one. We need one with a classic Mcfarlane head and a modern, less tongue head. Some of the names you guys are throwing out, hard to believe many would spend close to a grand for them.
There are so many cool characters I would buy that if XM said starting today...they were going to go through the list of Marvel characters and make every single one....I would be jumping for joy.
I bet 80% of you don't even know about characters such as these:
1) Armadillo
2) Glorian
3) The Shaper of Worlds
4) Count Nefaria
5) Cloud
6) Her
7) Titania
8) Aquarian
9) Paladin
10) Blackout
I can run off about 100 more. It would take about a lifetime to collect all the characters from the Marvel U I would love to have. And I honestly stand by my words of what I say I will buy. Each one of the characters I just mentioned is an easy buy.....EASY!!!!
Hey, man, you never know. I would never spend that kind of dough on an Iron Fist or Luke Cage, for example, but there's a reason these characters are still around...there are die hard fans out there.
Agreed on the Venom front.
I thought that's what Bowen was good for? I don't think XM would bother making any character that won't at least get 500 sells.
All I'm saying is that there are characters out there that you or I may have no interest in ever owning that other people might be lining up to buy.
Dr Strange, Black Bolt, Medusa, She Hulk...those are characters that XM is producing that I have no interest in, yet I see many other people excited for. So, it might be surprising what characters can move 500 units.