Would anyone else be interested in a Taskmaster??
Would anyone else be interested in a Taskmaster??
There are so many cool characters I would buy that if XM said starting today...they were going to go through the list of Marvel characters and make every single one....I would be jumping for joy.
I bet 80% of you don't even know about characters such as these:
1) Armadillo
2) Glorian
3) The Shaper of Worlds
4) Count Nefaria
5) Cloud
6) Her
7) Titania
8) Aquarian
9) Paladin
10) Blackout
I can run off about 100 more. It would take about a lifetime to collect all the characters from the Marvel U I would love to have. And I honestly stand by my words of what I say I will buy. Each one of the characters I just mentioned is an easy buy.....EASY!!!!
You know, the popular characters will come, how about something rare like jubilee or rachel summers?
Why was the thread locked? I'm still waiting on my bbts preorder.I don't know where else to post this - is there an alternative to the original thread that got closed where we can talk about the XM Cap ?
Why was the thread locked? I'm still waiting on my bbts preorder.
Now I remember. I thought that was the xm magneto thread.It was one member bringing up accusations against XM...things got personal after that. Probably best it got locked for a while so tempers could cool down.
Now I remember. I thought that was the xm magneto thread.