I didn't realize how massive the X is compared to the original. It really is quite a difference. The screen is nearly the size of my original.

I love the X, can't get enough of it. Thanks for the heads up on the SW backgrounds cr4cx3r, I am using the Mcquarrie one. Also how can I get Flash for my Droid? When is it coming out? I don't have the balls to root my phone.
You can put Flash on the X when 2.2 comes out in "early September".
10 days in to September already. Any rumors on what they consider early?
So apparently with Launcher Pro the whole Google thing is a none issue on the Fascinate. Got it all up and running on my wifes phone, with the widgets and search and maps, the whole nine.
Got to play with a Droid X and a Fascinate today, and Fascinate get my vote by far! The X was great but WAY to freakin' big. It was uncomfortable in my hand and even worse in my pocket. Screen is great, really everything was great about the X, just to damn big for me. The Fascinate on the other hand is absolute perfection. Smooth, light, sleek design. Loved everything about it.
If I were to get a new phone right now I would 100% get the Fascinate. Have zero interest in the X now. But I am just gonna hold off for awhile, wait to hear more on the Fascinate.
Like I said in my first post on the matter. I'm really glad my wife chose the Fascinate. I love my X and would still pick it having played extensively with both, but with Launcher Pro the Fascinate is really sharp. The size of the X is my favorite thing about it. The biggest negative I've noticed with the Fascinate is that it seems to be unstable. It's crashed or froze more than once on me. My X hasn't done that yet.