What's the deal with the new update?
What's the deal with the new update?
Which update for what phone?
I ____in' LOVE my X!!!!!!!!
Kabuki been meaning to ask. Do you miss the iPhone or will you be sticking with Droid?
Which update for what phone?
Sorry duder, X.
I don't miss the iPhone as much as I thought I would. The big screen of the X is a pretty big plus. One thing I do miss, however, is that on the iPhone, app interfaces are pretty standardized and not ass-ugly. There are lots of different/confusing, ass-ugly interfaces on Android.
Hardware-wise, I do know that I prefer the Droid X to the iPhone 4, but I still prefer iOS over Android, if that makes sense.
Amazon App Store for Android is live: https://www.amazon.com/mobile-apps/b/ref=sa_menu_mas2?ie=UTF8&node=2350149011
Go get your free Angry Birds Rio. Bonus: The App Store itself is really nice.
Amazon App Store for Android is live: https://www.amazon.com/mobile-apps/b/ref=sa_menu_mas2?ie=UTF8&node=2350149011
Go get your free Angry Birds Rio. Bonus: The App Store itself is really nice.
Thanks, I'm downloading it now.