What's the deal with the new update?
What's the deal with the new update?
Which update for what phone?
Kabuki been meaning to ask. Do you miss the iPhone or will you be sticking with Droid?
Which update for what phone?
Sorry duder, X.
I don't miss the iPhone as much as I thought I would. The big screen of the X is a pretty big plus. One thing I do miss, however, is that on the iPhone, app interfaces are pretty standardized and not ass-ugly. There are lots of different/confusing, ass-ugly interfaces on Android.
Hardware-wise, I do know that I prefer the Droid X to the iPhone 4, but I still prefer iOS over Android, if that makes sense.
Amazon App Store for Android is live: https://www.amazon.com/mobile-apps/b/ref=sa_menu_mas2?ie=UTF8&node=2350149011
Go get your free Angry Birds Rio. Bonus: The App Store itself is really nice.
Amazon App Store for Android is live: https://www.amazon.com/mobile-apps/b/ref=sa_menu_mas2?ie=UTF8&node=2350149011
Go get your free Angry Birds Rio. Bonus: The App Store itself is really nice.
Thanks, I'm downloading it now.