MT TLOU - New 1/6 scale figure from Master Team coming soon!

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Some in hand pictures of the figure, as I said before I think the sculpt has a better likeness now but the angry sculpt could be better and there's definitely a cast/wideness issue.



I've also seen the final production CCToys Part 2 Joel and Ellie sculpts and they're equally disappointing in the sense that they could be way better, I would say CCToys has better clothes than MT tho, the body for Ellie is the exact same, the body they used for Joel is honestly terrible, if you're getting him I recommend having a spare body you like at hand.

Super excited to get mine, but maybe its the angle or what but the angry head looks like she has a lazy eye
Some in hand pictures of the figure, as I said before I think the sculpt has a better likeness now but the angry sculpt could be better and there's definitely a cast/wideness issue.

I like this calmer sculpt. Depending on lighting and angle it seems to portray concern or intensity.

As for the second head, angry or very expressive sculpts can be hard to capture. Sometimes companies will just adapt an existing head and it doesn't look right because the facial muscles haven't been taken into account.

With Ellie it's not that, but as you say the sculpt looks wider. However, it could be useful for one of my WWII Red Army girls. The hairstyle would be appropriate too.

I've also seen the final production CCToys Part 2 Joel and Ellie sculpts and they're equally disappointing in the sense that they could be way better, I would say CCToys has better clothes than MT tho, the body for Ellie is the exact same, the body they used for Joel is honestly terrible, if you're getting him I recommend having a spare body you like at hand.

I recently received DAF Toys' Scarecrow, which was a really good figure but with the wrong body for the actor. It's a quality body of a make I haven't encountered before, like a slimmer muscle body with double jointed elbows, but no neck. I knew it would be useful at some point, so I put a neck on and will try it for Joel.

I planned to have him posed with the guitar. Something like this:

looks bad now I don't have any hope for CC Toys version...
I think I'll wait for Lim Toys Pt.1
Neutral face sculpt looks OK. The angry one looks bad. I would grab it if I wasn't on saving money mode.
Personally I prefer the angry face. Neutral face just looks confused or vacant to me.
Looks acceptable to me wish there was more blood/stains/weathering on the outfit.. waiting for the cctoys one to be revealed before pulling the trigger on either / or
Ellie's already arrived in the UK. Almost as fast as the good old days, before the dark times.

Now I just hope I get back early enough tomorrow morning for the postman. :panic:
I think the headsculpts look really good on the MTToys version even though I pre-ordered the 3 pack from CCTOYS I ordered this version to have it and maybe give it to my brother since he and I are big fans of the games. I'll most likely swap parts between the 2 ellies when CCTOYS finally releases theirs. TBH I think the CCTOYS headsculpts look fine from the promo pics yes they can be better but they could have been way worse but when I see the Final look of ellie depending on how good or bad it looks in final form I might also swap the sculpts as well
The postman was early and I managed to catch him driving out of the village.

I didn't even have to ask. As soon as he saw me, he said, "I expect you'll be wanting your parcel."

Just had a proper look at everything, and I'm pretty pleased. I really like the calmer sculpt. It has a subtle intensity that's completely washed out in a lot of photos, and the paintwork is great.

The angry sculpt is pretty good as you turn it to see it from every angle. Her left eye is placed quite a way to the outer edge, which makes it look lazy, but it's an optical illusion since her right eye is also that far left. Both eyes actually have the same amount of white showing as she's looking leftward, but it works better if you turn her head a little in that direction too.

The clothes are well done. The shirt isn't as overly large as it seemed, which you can test by pulling it to where the closed position would be. Both the shirt and shoes have a good amount of weathering. It's harder to tell on the jeans, but they look weathered on the front of the thighs.

The accessories are all well painted, with weathering and wood grain where applicable. The torch has a magnet that corresponds with one on the backpack, which itself is made to look grubby. It also has three working zips.

The guitar is quite fine, with plastic strings in scale. I think it's also accurate to the game model, with 'Taylor' on the head and the Moth logo on the neck.

While checking accuracy I saw this page:

The clear stand is quite novel, but it's going to look out of place with all the black ones I've used for my TLOU related figures. (However, I did recently spray one white for Abby. lol)


Now to start assembling TLOU2 Ellie.
Okay, so the sculpt does sit a bit low on the neck.

There's the usual rubber cup inside the head. It's wedged in tight and difficult to extract, but once it's out I'll put blue tack inside the head and replace the cup, which should raise her head and improve her appearance.
A couple of quick photos. Still need to put the bandage on her left wrist.


I managed to take this up close with the flash, but to show the actual expression I would have to turn the flash off and light her another way:

Used double sided tape to fix the bandage in place:


There are quite a few pages in journal. I don't know if it's all legible:


Some in hand pictures of the figure, as I said before I think the sculpt has a better likeness now but the angry sculpt could be better and there's definitely a cast/wideness issue.



I've also seen the final production CCToys Part 2 Joel and Ellie sculpts and they're equally disappointing in the sense that they could be way better, I would say CCToys has better clothes than MT tho, the body for Ellie is the exact same, the body they used for Joel is honestly terrible, if you're getting him I recommend having a spare body you like at hand.

Do you have a link for a forum or another website of CCToys? I really like to see some pictures of the final product.
(And also, if you have a link for MTToys, I would be very happy).
Thank you :)
Turns out MT Ellie is a bit short.

I guess it could be a PopToys Xing body as the ankle pegs look like the longer options here:


I was surprised they were even the longer ones, since she already seemed petite next to other female figures.

Soa Lee, the Lead Character Artist at Naughty Dog who was responsible for some of Ellie's modelling in TLOU2, apparently confirmed in a private message that Ellie's Part II height at 19 is 5' 5".

For some reason it's impossible to post the link to where that information came from. The forum keeps deleting it, so I've had to put a space after the // to fool it into not reading it as a link.


The MT figure was a bit off, measuring 10.5", which equates to Ellie's 5' 3" at age 14/15 (the museum flashback).

I searched through my body parts stash and found a bag of accessories that came with a Xing and found a pair of these:

PopToys Xing - Copy.jpg

They have to be inverted to work as extenders, and plugged onto the ball joint that extends from the leg. Filling the holes in the shoes with blue tack enables the pegs to be inserted securely.

When I measured her again she was now a little too tall.

So I hacksawed a few millimetres off all around the peg, as indicated here:

PopToys Xing.jpg

When I reassembled her, with the pegs firmly seated into blue tack, she was a perfect 5' 5" above the soles of her shoes!

An extra benefit of doing all that was that her jeans fit better. Before they were a bit long, with too many creases.

Hey guys just wanted to ask is anyone here who has the mttoys version of ellie did anyone else get there's with the tattoo on her right arm fading or completely missing areas I just got mine tonight and mine has faded some and areas are missing a bit