What brought down the mumak? The film shows one being brought down by Eowyn, who (a sword in both hands, Merry steering) gives both front and rear legs a slice as she rides underneath, through the legs. However, she rides through from front to back, so if this is meant to ber her mumak, then the wounds should be on the other side of the legs, and both front and back should be wounded. Showing the wounds on the rear facing side of the legs is not accurate. Of course, it could be another one, but incredible feats like bringing down a mumak single-handedly can only be accomplished by main characters, and we didn't see another one die like this. I find it highly unlikely that Bruce the Rohirrim managed to copy Eowyn and bring one down by himself. If so, I feel sorry for him, since he didn't get any screen time. My theory is that Bruce managed to kill this one by slicing just ONE pair of legs, a feat more impressive than Eowyn, but he received no credit or glory because the camera was busy filming over by Legolas. Of course, this could also be the background mumak that was swarmed by the Army of the Dead. In that case, it was not the wounds that brought it down, but rather the ghosts. Perhaps this is a sculpture of a mumak being painfully devoured by zombies who have unfortunately been omitted for reasons of scale. Any other theories?