My Anakin review

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Michael Crawford

Super Freak
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
It took a little while for him to show up, but Anakin finally hit my door step last week. Just like in the movies, when Anakin is good (head sculpt, outfit, accessories) he's oh, so good, but when he's bad (paint, left arm connection), he's really, really bad. Once you get him exactly the way you want him, he's going to look terrific on the shelf. You might just find yourself getting a tad frustrated getting to that point, however, especially if you're as impatient as I. I'm harder on him in my review than most others I've seen, but have no fear - I have a guest review of him coming up later this week that's much less critical.

You can find all the reviews at the usual:

Thanks for reading!

Excellent review Michael; Fair and UNBIASED and I pretty much agree with all you said, especially the arm joint issue. I just wish the paint ops had more closely matched the proto (including lighter hair vs the choco treatment) It seems quite a few collectors are having their Anakins going in a for a lip fix as well.
hmm... im disappointed. he gave the Sideshow Anakin the same overall score as the Medicom Luke?? sorry, but thats a little off to me. i have both and so far both the luke and anakin SS figures are leaps and bounds above the quality of the Medicom Luke.
It seems like your paint apps were particularly bad from the photos... I was comparing mine to yours and it seemed like the lips were fuller on mine... a little less lipstickish. I also have been fortunate with my arm (knocks on wood) not falling of, while it is looser than I prefer, since I posed him last Wednesday its stayed in place.

Since mine was less error-prone I actually like it better than the Luke... and I'm not really a fan of Anakin either, but I think the intricacy of the costuming makes a big difference.
hairlesswookiee said:
hmm... im disappointed. he gave the Sideshow Anakin the same overall score as the Medicom Luke?? sorry, but thats a little off to me. i have both and so far both the luke and anakin SS figures are leaps and bounds above the quality of the Medicom Luke.

I hate to point out what should be obvious, but I didn't review Medicom Luke.
Solid review Mike. I agree with some and disagree with some but yours was fair. Like Galactic said my pain job on the lips came out better it appears than yours did and my Arm as I said fit really well it was more tight than loose. Very fair job. I read over it taking notes to better myself in my next review.
hairlesswookiee said:
i never said you wrote it, i just said you gave it the same score as the Medicom Luke.

That's the thing though. If Mike didn't write it, then you can't draw a comparison on the scores. The other reviewer's personal criteria may be either stricter or looser than Mike's criteria. That's like having a 14-year-old girl and a 40-year-old graphic artist score the technical merits of Aliens. They may come up with the same rating, but do you really think they arrived there for the same reasons??
Sith Lord 0498 said:
That's the thing though. If Mike didn't write it, then you can't draw a comparison on the scores. The other reviewer's personal criteria may be either stricter or looser than Mike's criteria. That's like having a 14-year-old girl and a 40-year-old graphic artist score the technical merits of Aliens. They may come up with the same rating, but do you really think they arrived there for the same reasons??

im sorry, ive not been to that site before. i was under the impression that ALL reviewers on that site used the same set of standards. ill make sure to avoid it in the future.
hairlesswookiee said:
i never said you wrote it, i just said you gave it the same score as the Medicom Luke.

If I didn't write it, how exactly did I give it the same score? I must be missing something...
Good review as always Mike. I would request more GG bust reviews in the future just because I don't know of anyone else that does them quite like you. Keep em' coming. :chew
hairlesswookiee said:
im sorry, ive not been to that site before. i was under the impression that ALL reviewers on that site used the same set of standards. ill make sure to avoid it in the future.

It's probable best if you do - I have no idea what a set of standards around personal opinion would be, and I certainly would never dictate to any guest reviewers what they should say.
I did find the arm and the lip deco a problem, although both can be fixed fairly easily. Sure you shouldn't have to, but if any of the Hasblow figures could be made so much better by such small fixes, they'd probably still be making 12" SW figures.
I agree Dave except I have had no problem with the arm, maybe it's in some of them but mine is ok. I thought about it and I am going to leave the lips alone. Here's hoping SDCC Ani turns out ok.
Darklord Dave said:
I did find the arm and the lip deco a problem, although both can be fixed fairly easily. Sure you shouldn't have to, but if any of the Hasblow figures could be made so much better by such small fixes, they'd probably still be making 12" SW figures.

That's a good point, sure the problems are annoying, but fixable with minor exertion. But hasbro, although having pretty good sculpts requires quite a bit more work to make look good, and for me has never been worth the trouble.