My Belloq review

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Michael Crawford

Super Freak
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I got my exclusive Belloq with the Fertility Idol environment this week, but rather than review it as a single release, I'm going to break it up in two, looking at the evil Dr. Rene tonight, and the environment next week.

There's two reasons for this. One is that they really aren't related other than being both from Raiders, and both shipping in the same box. The second reason is a bit less obvious, but the reality is the environment is excellent, but Belloq is not. Rather than pull down the environment score (or pull up the Belloq score), I felt it made more sense for them to stand on their own.

The guest review is from Yong Qiang Koh, and he's looking at the Medicom RAH Street Fighter Chun-Li. This is a chick with some serious thighs! You can find all the reviews at the usual:

Another reminder about Twitter, where you could have heard about what cool new Marvel figures I found today...if you were following me :)

Finally, yesterday was supposed to be the final day of the Sideshow Samaritan review, but I forgot to send any reminders on Tuesday night, so I decided to let it go one more night. I'll be pulling the final file early tomorrow morning, so if you haven't entered yet, do so pronto!

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

Good review. I think Sideshow needs a lesson in how to research these characters before they put out prototypes and especially before they go into full production. Belloq did not have brown eyebrows, nor black or dark brown hair. I'd love to know what thought process went into the color schemes of these features or if any real thought process went on at all.

So far I've seen a couple other members adding the proper gray tones to give Belloq his salt/pepper hair and I did the same tonight with some pastels. As soon as I did it the likeness just popped. Granted, the sculpt is not perfect as the review pointed out but I think the lack of preparation into the correct colors had a lot to do with why it didn't look right to begin with.

To me the worst part of my figure is the piss-poor job they did on the hat ribbon. You can see in the pic below how uneven it is. Just a bad, bad paint job on that one. The rest I'm pretty happy about when I'm not thinking about that big silver button on his jacket. Overall though I'm glad they came out with it so I can have Indy's arch nemesis displayed with him and the relics they fought each other over.

Sideshow, if you're reading time just pop in the dvd and get the figure right the first time around. All the reference you need is in the film itself. It's not too difficult.
Great review! Sorry about the bad luck with this line.

Did you get Doc? Know you're a western buff.
I'm really surprised that Sideshow seemed to be redirecting energy into higher end 1/6 figures and yet would produce something like this. Just a really disappointing looking figure.
I canceled my Belloq Ex order. Only regret is I won't have the idol environment.

Looking forward to your idol chamber review Michael.
Great review.

But I think you meant Belloq's the first antagonist we're introduced to. A protagonist is simply a main character.

Yeah, I'm that guy.
Good review. Ultimately I've decided to pass on this figure -- environment and all. I'll get Toht instead.

On another note, I picked up the Diamond Select fertility idol bank, based on Michael's review, and it's a really nice item for the cost.
It's a real shame about that likeness, it certainly looks like Paul Freeman didn't give approval for his likeness to be used, a lot of old British thesps are funny about that kind of thing. But considering it looks nothing like him couldn't they have at least given him the right colour hair?

Looking forward to the Idol environment review.
The likeness on this figure really is kind of odd... because at some angles I agree that it does not favor Freeman.. yet you can turn it just a hair and see him in it... pity..
Decent review Mike. So far the three figures I've gotten on the pro have been awesome. If they tighten the joints anymore it will make moving the limbs more of a pain and likely to break IMO. I get Belloq today but based on pics and your scale I'd say he's a 2.5 out of 4 type figure
Nice review. I'm personally fairly satisfied with Belloq. The face is close enough for me and the jacket fits fine on mine. The pants on mine are way too long (as I think they are on most), but I just folded them in to shorten the length and they look fine.

However, I must say that he should have been at the very least $10 cheaper, which would put him in line with the latest SW offerings like Ep II Obi Wan and Admiral Piett who's on the Pro. Belloq really doesn't come with much, and I don't think there was anything particularly innovative about his outfit that would warrant the higher price. I think a lower price point would have made him and his shortcomings easier to accept.
I'd be a little surprised if it was a likeness rights issue - just because I would have thought that being a Lucas property all the actors would have signed away their likeness rights in the contract. It would also be an interesting choice by Sideshow to pick a character with rights issues as only the second figure released.
sideshow have made a few mistakes . thing is we will still buy the figures ,so they will carry on without care in the future . i want a Sallah figure .
Michael, I always enjoy your reviews, and have to agree that the likeness is simply horrible. If it was at least wearing the ceremonial robes, it might have been worth a purchase. Now, it's just some guy wearing a suit.