My Brother leaving for the USMC

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The Ringer

Super Freak
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Queen City
Yesterday my brother left for boot camp. This is going to be the longest 3 months of my life and was wondering if you guys could just leave some positive comments even though you don't know him for him.Thanks guys!:D
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He's taking a very brave and responsible step in his life. I have full confidence that he'll make a success of it because he'll have all the proper resources available to him. I'll send up a prayer for his dedication, protection, and success. Be proud.
Well after the longest day of my life yesterday I am finally picking myself up and coming to my senses. Yesterday my brother left for boot camp. This is going to be the longest 3 months of my life and was wondering if you guys could just leave some positive comments even though you don't know him for him. I would like to print out this thread in a couple weeks and send it to him in a letter. I am still realativly new hear but all you guys and girls are great I would really appreciate a nice comment.:eek:

Thanks guys!:D

He will have the time of his life. I guarantee it. It will probably be harder for you. I wish him the best. :duff
He will have the time of his life. I guarantee it. It will probably be harder for you. I wish him the best. :duff

It will indeed, and he will push himself to greater heights. He will change in many ways, but will always be your brother... just more fit and dedicated. It will be a challenge for you both, but as long as he keeps his head on a swivel and stays careful... he will make it through his time there or career with flying colors.

I wish him the best and you as well. Nice to see young men still volunteering to serve their country. :duff
You are obviously very close to your brother and that in and of itself is awesome. Best of luck to him in boot camp and beyond. May your 3 months pass swiftly.
AMERCIA ^^^^ YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Bro gots Balls!! Pitu Got none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana:banana:banana:banana
Praise be to those brave few who serve with honor!!

I wish your brother a healthy return home:rock

I am humbled by those that are willing to make such a sacrifice, service to your county is above all else!

Your brother, though I have never met him, has earned my respect!:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

I also hope that brother gets to have drunken erotic sessions with women of foreign decent. Sex abroad is a wonderful thing, and your brother shall revel in it:rock

LOVE LIVE THE U S of A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I want you boys to hurry up and whip these Germans so we can get out to the Pacific to kick the s**t out of the purple-pissing Japanese, before the Godda**ed MARINES get all the credit!" -Lt General George Patton, US Army 1945

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."
Your brother did a brave choice :rock

Give him support for what he wants to do in his life becasue I know he would do the same for you.

I wish him the best of luck :)
I don't believe in wars or condone them, but regardless I hope for a safe return for your brother if he does a tour.

You always have the fellow Freaks, and of course you immediate family and friends for support. Our prayers are out for both you and your brother.
Another glorious day in the corps :lol:lol


seriously, respect to any man who steps up to defend the motherland

From a former Army brat and an Army wife with a son currently in the Army, I can tell you that it is always hardest for those of us left behind. While we fret and worry, our loved ones are learning to be men/women who learn leadership, brother/sister-hood and accept responsibility not only for themselves but for their fellow soldiers. And if it came to pass that our country really was in peril, I wouldn't hesitate to give my trust to them.

I was on the streets and picket lines protesting Vietnam (and believe me, this Iraq business smells quite familiar) the same time my father was serving there. I may have hated the war, but I've never had anything but sincere admiration and respect for those who were sent there. God bless.
God bless him. I come from a military family myself and I remember during Viet Nam how my mother used to worry about my brother and I have a nephew that just finished his fourth tour in Iraq so I understand how you feel. I honor his decision and respect his courage to stand up for whats worth standing up for and I will pray for him.
I'd like to think someday there won't be any bad guys that need stopping but I'm not optimistic about that.
Just a quick update, he safely arrived at Paris Island last night at 12:15.

Oh boy. He has had his first haircut and received all of his clothes by now. He has probably not gone to sleep yet and is going through med checkups right now. :horror:lol
I remember the day my brother joined up for the Army here in the UK, the day he left for basic training I coulnt stop crying but I knew it was what he wanted to do.
On the day of his official Passing Out Parade(I always find it funny they call it that :lol) I was so pleased and proud to see him marching there all confident, honourable and proud to be serving his country.Just seeing him that day, 3 months after I had last seen him, he had changed.He had found his place and was happy.He went on to serve in Iraq(1st time) and Bosnia

Its a scary time when a loved one goes into the Armed Forces, but they will be so very well taken care of and will receive the best possible training which will transfer to when they get back on civi street.
My brother and Grandfather always said 'it made them who they are'.

All our service men and women in any country are heroes and have all my admiration and respect :rock

I wish the very best to you all. I'm sure in amongst all the hard work your brother will have the time of his life :rock :rock
Take care
"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank GOD for the United States Marine Corps." - Eleanor Roosevelt, 1945

Ringer please tell you brother for me (from one old Devil Dog to another);

Hang tough, NEVER give up and Semper Fi & God Bless!

What is your brother's name and which MCRD is he training at?

Edit - Just saw the Paris Island part.
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Good luck to your brother!! It's gonna be crazy for you both, but it will be a good thing for him, definitely! Just keep him in good spirits with good news from home and that will make it a bit easier for him while he is there.

Semper Fi - Errr!

"Doctrine is the last refuge of the unimaginative." - General James "Chaos" Mattis, USMC