Actually ,come to think of it, the little arrow would be jandsy as well, that way i know the inside diameter as well
I can get exact measurements later today (I am at work right now) but if I remember correctly the big arrow diameter is 3 inches exactly. Are you making your own arc reactor? If so, I just wanted to remind you that the exact kit I used is for sale on Etsy, though I am not sure how ordering it goes considering you are in the UK. Anyway, if you are doing your own build please share! Always fun to see a fellow freaks' projects.
Yeah, I plan on getting that Kit, there is a piece on Shapeways that the brass rings sit on that has more depth to it (i want to make the entire reactor)
The piece is 2.65 inches in Diameter, so i'm hoping it fits, or at least just about fits, as I can surely futz with it here and there if needs be
Thanks for helping out!
Link? I was looking for something like that too! I think I have come across it before but I wasn't sure how legit it looked so I held off on ordering it. Is it the black rear cage portion? If so I will be ordering it immediately!
It's not the back rear cage, though they do have that, it's the internal chassis that the diodes go into and the brass rings sit on
I saw on the RPF that Throwing Chicken did make the Heat sink, or cage, but I don't think a kit has been made (i've messaged to see if it will be)
I'd much prefer to get the heat sink from him as i'm sure it will be made to the correct measurements of his arc reactor
having said that, you may measure it and find that it's perfect, in which case, yay!
Well the center piece that is black with what appears to be silver on it was black to begin with. I was originally going to paint it black and then do the silver, but since it was black to begin with I simply dry brushed silver paint on all the areas I though would have been naturally "worn down" and scratched up. It turned out much better than I thought.I also intend to give the scratched appeareance that you have
did you just rub silver paint onto in small places after painting it black?
I have already tried to message multiple people on the RPF with my questions... no one is answering back. Have you ever ordered from shapeways? Is it legit, then? If so I may get a few pieces to complete the reactor.
So are you saying that you are going to mix and match the kits if the pieces fit? Interesting idea!
I've never ordered, I was going to get the cheap plastic piece and then give a good paint job, you won't see much of it anyway so it's really for effect, since you can pay with paypal i figured that I'll order that and it isn't a massive loss if they turn out to be jokers!
So the kit comes with the centre piece already black? coolio
Did you manage to get those measurements?
Yeah, sorry about the delay. The large red arrow measurement (I.e. The diameter of the whole reactor) is 3 inches, or approximately 7.5 cm. The width of the small red arrow (I.e. The portion that the red wire is wrapped around) is about 3/8 of an inch, or about 1 cm on the nose.
Thanks for that
so if i take a 1cm of each end, then the internal diameter is about 6.5cm, i think that internal chassis piece was 6.694 cm so it should just about fit.
Which is excellent!
No, unfortunately that's not correct. If you take 1cm from EACH side that means you have to subtract 2cm from the overall diameter, which means the internal diameter is about 5.5cm. I went ahead and measured it just to be sure and it is just a shade under 5.5cm internal diameter.
ha! duh, of course it is, worst maths ever!
Hmmm, that might not be a problem though, all i would need to do is trim down the back part of the wearable kit so that it fits it
it's only about 9 earos so it's hardly breaking the bank
Yeah I definitely say go with it and see how everything fits when you get it. You will almost certainly be able to modify it to whatever works best. I checked on my heat sink order and it is already in production, so no chance at cancelling. Owell, it will still look great!