Re: My Custom 1/6th Heath Joker nearing completion, pic heavy
Looking good Blake, seriously good.
Yeah that's another thing i have to add to the list. Belt in the bin and suspenders on there.
Realised how good they would look with the jacket off. Few tweaks here and there to be had, but i'm finally happy enough with it to post lol.
Wow, thanks for the feedback guys, incredible. Couldn't have gotten this far without the masterful hands of quite a few people! Adam is just in his own world, when it comes to capturing Heath. I agree on the expression, it's not what i would've picked, but it works. So Ledger. But it's also just incredibly, momentarilly scene specific. It's dead on to when he snaps the poolcue and is staring at it close up, imho. But hard to pick the same expression any other time. That's how i'll probably display it to be honest, i also like that pic my favorite. And agree again that i would love to see Adam do up a DX sculpt, hint hint
At the end of the day, i don't think anyone is ever going to stop customizing these jokers. Not just 1/6th either. The performance and movie as a whole just demands perfection, and we're going to see some pretty insane figures coming just yet, mark my words
Btw also, this is how blue the blazer is in the flesh, as the flash shows. Here with the corrected, spot on color. I can also offer the service for others, really makes a huge difference.