Dead alien body in a warehouse is ok, living aliens that make angry faces at Spalko is George going overboard and no one having the balls to tell him to shut his whore mouth and sit in the corner.Biggest things I'd like to change are :
End the prologue w/ the Rocketsled, transition back to Marshall w/o nuke or interrogation
Fix/shorten the swordfight w/ Mutt and Spalko so it's more brief and believable and w/o any nutshots or straddling the 2 cars
No monkies or swinging, Mutt gets hung up we don't see him again until he just swings out of nowhere into Spalko's car
1 waterfall instead of 3 and not as long a drop
add fight between russians and Ugha
Fix Mac's death to look more believable
No living aliens, no wedding, just change all the dialogue at the end between Marion/Indy/Mutt "Why didn't you stick around dad?" "Somewhere Grandpa is laughing" "Knowlege was their treasure" all of those lines are attrocious.
Good post though.
What an awesome (and different) Willie Scott Kathleen Turner would have made though...
Oh man don't even get me started on that, Kate was the classic stupid bimbo even in real life, If you watch the special features in the old dvds (and I'm sure its in the new blue rays as well) she admmits she didn't even read the script for TOD. She didn't know there where going to be bugs, or snakes, or giant bats lol, she was learning the script as they whent along. THat's very unprofessional for actors...
What an awesome (and different) Willie Scott Kathleen Turner would have made though...
Would have made? She basically plaid Capshaw's role in Romancing the Stone, complete with fedora wearing hero at her side.
TOD Willie > KOTCS Marion
Willie is absolutely essential to TOD. She's the person riding behind you on a roller coaster screaming her lungs out. Annoying? You bet, but it wouldn't be a roller coaster otherwise.
Good God, I love Temple of Doom.
I'll be objective.
Kate Capshaw was attractive and with better fortunes might have made a decent leading lady. Her performance is probably hurt by the bad dialogue George is famous for. I don't know if any actress could have made all of those screams and "IIIInnnddyyyyyyy"s work. W
Without lucas: no star wars (and many other fx movies), no indiana jones