Boba Ben
Super Freak
This one:
Winged Twilight and human Twilight in one image. My anger level is over 9,000.
This one:
I saw a build a pony at that store this week.
BTW, the one I saw was Rainbow Dash.
I am just finding out about all of this right now, and hoolee shyyt! No thanks! Seems to be more proof that real men are becoming more and more scarce. The effeminization of men agenda is almost complete.
"Study brain development. Maturity is one's ability to adapt and respond appropriately to the world. If you seek solace in a childish fantasy because the real world "discourages" you, then you're not mature.
Once the brain can think abstractly, it loses interest in "concrete" in favor of abstract concepts.
The things that you're mentally and emotionally invested in can show how mature you are. We gouge a child's mental age by looking at what their preoccupations are. The same goes for an adult."
"Mature minds find ways to cope with discouraging things, they don't try to to run away from them or pretend they don't exist.
MLP allows you to fulfill a childish fantasy where this is possible, where conflicts are heavily downplayed and resolution is simple and easy. Because this show is aiming at the brain of a child. Children are supposed to respond positively to it, not adults."
The things that you're mentally and emotionally invested in can show how mature you are. We gouge a child's mental age by looking at what their preoccupations are. The same goes for an adult."
Someone recommended me this show again because of Gravity Falls. Despite everything, I said OK.
Couldn't get past the first 10 minutes. I just don't see how those two relate. It literally has nothing I like in it.
Your quotes there, Like Hogwash they sound to me. Where are they from?I am just finding out about all of this right now, and hoolee shyyt! No thanks! Seems to be more proof that real men are becoming more and more scarce. The effeminization of men agenda is almost complete.
"Study brain development. Maturity is one's ability to adapt and respond appropriately to the world. If you seek solace in a childish fantasy because the real world "discourages" you, then you're not mature.
Once the brain can think abstractly, it loses interest in "concrete" in favor of abstract concepts.
The things that you're mentally and emotionally invested in can show how mature you are. We gouge a child's mental age by looking at what their preoccupations are. The same goes for an adult."
"Mature minds find ways to cope with discouraging things, they don't try to to run away from them or pretend they don't exist.
MLP allows you to fulfill a childish fantasy where this is possible, where conflicts are heavily downplayed and resolution is simple and easy. Because this show is aiming at the brain of a child. Children are supposed to respond positively to it, not adults."