Thanks for all the support on this one, guys. The piece means a lot, as do all of the kind words. I'll get a few questions I noticed....
You couldn't really make two complete figures out of him. The "arena" armor set allows three display options (slave: just add the belt, Arena and Carthage). But there's also the arm/leg skins, tunic, hand wraps and boots. And the neck isn't standard, so it would be pretty hard for someone else to put one together. It's a seamless neck, blended right into the body.
I'll be using Dragon Neo bodies. I like the TT bodies, but Russell Crowe is not that big of a guy. I've got a guy's HT Joker here for some work, and those things are freakin' tall! And, yeah, they do add cost to a custom. They're pricey, must be ordered from Asia and can really only be found on ebay most of the time. The bodies run around $30.00 and, if ordered from Asia, you can expect to spend about another $30.00 on freakin' shipping!

If someone wants to supply the body, I would be willing to use it. But let me mess around with this Joker, see how it fits the outfit. My only concern would be the length of the two vests. They would come up short, as far as screen accuracy goes. If you want a HT body enough to live with that, I can do it.
The Arena armor, as seen in the photo, is fabricated from various materials. Many things are easier to do that way as oppsed to sculpting. It will end up as a rubber cast, but will look just like that one. I did the same process with the other vest, the rubber casts even captured the slight texture of the material. It will be worn and weathered, too just as I did with the one you see in the photo. I even figured out how to make my own latex paints that do not rub off! Pretty cool.
I also updated the list. Keeping that in my first post.