Teemu is checking in...wasnt going to...but after seeing the 1st post...I am in! lol
Here is one about G.I.Joe from Soundlessdawn (this guy is good)
Yes cobra commander is portrayed as a faceless High Elite Member of the Illuminati and of the reptilian race
Set is another form of god of the Devil Satan himself
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/l_QCldF2CO8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/l_QCldF2CO8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
notice the Illuminati Pyramids?
Seeing that picture of WTC 7 being a trapezoid. Opens my eyes to The Order of the Trapezoid, Anton LaVey and more satanic stuff. Google it.
"The Trapezoid: is the central mystery of the Order. Runa, the essence of mysteries, is represented by its ultimate example. The trapezoid functions to link objective and subjective realities, just as it beckons its initiates to explore worlds where the arrow of time no longer points in a single direction. The trapezoid is a two-dimentional representation of a three dimentional shadow. It is a prism and a gate. Most importantly, it is a mystery."
check out this Jeru the damager album cover..
and here is the intro - aint the devil happy...
and so the saga of syncnificance continues... ha
take it easy man - and nice one on the GI Joe vid..
This one requires some stretching.
The 1st instance of "Twin Towers" (2 exceptionally tall players playing together)in the NBA happened on the Houston Rockets. Ralph (Germanic = "wolf council" Sirius?) Sampson (variant of Samson = Hebrew "of the sun" Heracles resonant) from Harrisonburg, Va and coached at UVA by Terry Holland was joined in 1984 by Hakeem (Arabic = "wise") Olajuwon (Arabic = "Honorable") for 3 seasons ending in 1987.
Twin Towers (H)ouston ROCKETs in itself is interesting but becomes more resonant with the 9/11 event due to 1984 being the 1st year that a terrorist plot to bomb the WTC is mentioned. The FBI claims that 2 supporters of Khomeini are responsible. This triggers the establishment of an Office of Special Planning (OSP) that runs for 3 years eventually disbanding in 1987.
The same time period of the NBA Twin Towers. Sampson was WTC 1 as he was drafted 1st and was taller (+ antenna) with Olajuwon being WTC 2, drafted 2nd. Sampson was traded after a knee injury (1st to be hit) "collapsing" these Twins after 3 years, the length of the OSP study.
A basketball court itself is arranged in a mirrored "Twin" format and the raising of the orange spherical stargate (sewn from 8 distinct flaps) into a cosmic netting seems highly solar resonant.
"The overhead profile if the Twin Towers and Building 7, the primary highlighted pillarmids of 911, bears some comparison to Giza and Orion's belt. Not a perfect match, I concede, but worth some reflection."
Here are pics of what I mean....
I think the H is a I resonating the cat eye nebula in Draco(dragon).
To continue with the syncs the objective in reaching the wizard in oz was to return dorthy home.
So if 911 was / is a ritual to open a stargate the "H" is the bridge
Whenever you connect to planes of existence or two points in space and time you create an "H" like so
This is a Einstein-Rosen Bridge
now if you check out the wikipedia entry
There's two kinds of "H"(bridges)
1) One that is connected at the center and at the top.
-This connects to points within the same universe
-This also why its the connection happens at the top and center showing the curvature in space and time.
2) A bridge only in the center giving you your traditional "H" this is showing a connection of 2 planes of existence or multiverses being joined
Much here to explore
From this point on I not too sure if this means anything but im going to just write it
Most movies that attempt to open the gates to "H"-ell do so my joining our universe with some form of parallel universe. Most of the time is discussed that these demons can not enter our realm unless the gateway is open.
The following are type 2 "H" doors
Event Horizon
(most likely) Max payne
The mist
Not all realms or universes consist of "demons"
Type 1"H" Doors
This is just of the top of my head but i bet you can think of more
Again notice that based what type of gate is open 1 or 2 determines if the outcome well be desired or not.
Cobra resides inside the connected Twins, here called the Enterprise Towers.. The Crimson Twins control the transformation of the Enterprise Towers (clearly inspired by New York's H) into a rocket ship. We now have Gemini and serpent symbolism intimately tied to the Pillarmids. The Galactic Center is in Sagittarius/Scorpio (Winnipeg) and Anticenter is in Gemini/Twins (New York), the serpent is the Dragon Axis or pole formed by alignment.
Below we see the connected Twins, having shed there outer skin to become a space ship. A perfect example of WTC and its recurrent cosmic consciousness symbolism. The Towers having become a vehicle or chariot that blasts consciousness into orbit.
New big post, liftoff in, ETA 1 week...
Started*: This is a convenience of speech intended to reflect the general experience of life. A little reflection on the matter reveals that all phenomena are influenced by all other phenomena. Nothing has a truly isolated start or an ending. This experience, of isolated phenomena, localized in time and space, will in 'future' be outmoded and archaic, flux willing...
I haven't seen a that many episodes of South Park, but of those I have seen, I enjoyed "Towelie" the most and have certainly seen this particular one more times then any other.
"Thats the melody to Funky Town!"
South Park - Towlie Quotes - Funky town & more - Video
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this episode aired 8 August 2001, making it the last one before the 911 Mega Ritual. Things get wacky when we note a central plot McGuffin, the coveted 2001 Okama Gamesphere, bears some comparison to Osama. Further the design of the device looks like the Emereld City from "The Wizard Of Oz" with a connected Twins inside the green Sphere.
When the kids play with there 2001 Okama 'Emerald City H' we see what appears to be ZOOP candy bars and donuts (image below). Stargate candy is a common theme, these with added ZO/OZ flavor...
the capstone of the food pyramid! - and donuts.
The Symbolic Galactic Center Temple or 2012 end of the '911-2012 Ascension Dragon Axis' is right here in Winnipeg as the Masonic Legislature Building. In my mind it shows how when you entrain with synchronicity by thinking about the phenomena all day, you synchronize with the alignment of the cosmic axis. Ending up, just naturally, migrating towards the Galactic Center Temple. Well, I can imagine the other angle too, where it proves the depths of my attempts at self mythologizing and shows up the classic mechanic of the mind, 'what the thinker thinks the prover proves'. I would certainly recommend you remain skeptical (not cynical) of all I say.
Either way, my overall feeling here is that New York's WTC was the upright H, the first connected Twin of the 911-2012 axis. Winnipeg's connected Twins is the second, horizontal, laying or level H of the Ascension Dragon Axis. This reflects the 11:11 (as visually similar to HH) specific moment of Galactic Alignment with the solstice sun on 21 December 2012 and the 2 H's in YHWH and THOTH.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/qPcu614JCTE&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/qPcu614JCTE&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>