Freaked Out
Wow, Very impressive collection. make me feel that my collections is sooooo tiny
Thanks Mate.
Yes, it is glass display. very heavy and even four people can not lift the glass.
Amin Ko
WTH Amin! where did you get that 1:1 oxymox spidey, i've been lookin for one of those, i dont have the room, but i would love to own one someday. how much and where did you find him if you dont mind me asking??
Fantastic, love it,
Very cool setup.
I am sure that you can get from oxmox directly. but not sure if they are still offering or not. It comes with three huge boxes and the shipping charges will kill you. haha.
Amin Ko
Can you take more pics of the CM Indy?
hey amin get some vids of your awesome collection up on you tube im sure we would all love to see that!!!
Hi My Friend,
Sorry I dont have the video shoot of my collections. Good idea and will try. And I hardly visit you tube though and dont know how to upload the video on the website.
Amin Ko
Hi My Friend,
Sorry I dont have the video shoot of my collections. Good idea and will try. And I hardly visit you tube though and dont know how to upload the video on the website.
Amin Ko
I can stay in this thread forever
Fantastic collection sir!![]()