My sideshow and cinemaquette collections

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Im still waiting with big eyes to see your T-800 endoskeleton displayed in your collection Amin :) Did you get the polished one or the combat version ?

I got a buddy here in Denmark wich just have ordered a Combat Version T-800 - now we have totally 3 in Denmark 1-polished(mine) and 2-Combat Versions - not much for a hole country huuh ?
Im still waiting with big eyes to see your T-800 endoskeleton displayed in your collection Amin :) Did you get the polished one or the combat version ?

I got a buddy here in Denmark wich just have ordered a Combat Version T-800 - now we have totally 3 in Denmark 1-polished(mine) and 2-Combat Versions - not much for a hole country huuh ?

I myself also can not wait to display this kickass endo. Mine is combat version.

Amin Ko
Hardly post here and it is my first time to post in this forum. Love this forum and would like to share some of my collections and will post more in the near future. hope you guys enjoy as much as I do.

Amin Ko

New Set Up



What's that ? Meditation room or something ? No TV ? :confused:
Love it!

I would get rid of the ones on the floor though...a bit too crowded with them.

But hey, overall, it kicks ass!
Hey Amin Ko??

What's it like to be rich?? :chew :banana

Very good question:lol
I just love this collection

Gents, here is a guy who is putting lots of time and thought into sharing his collection with us.

Maybe most of us do not have the resources he does, but we can certainly appreciate the time he puts in as a collector, his thoughts on the pieces, and his willingness to share how he displays.

Ultimately, this makes our collections better when we can pick up an idea or two, regardless of how big or small, the ultimately improves our own.

That's what the show your shelves is about, IMO.
Amin, thanks for the pics on the Endo.

I have been contemplating the 1:2, but I think I will stick with the CM 1:3. Only reason is that will fit better with what I have. As soon as I saw the difference in the scale of your pics, it pretty much says it all (I know, there is only a 12 inch height differential between the two, but when you consider the overall space, that was the clincher.

Thanks again, keep up the pics!
Amin, thanks for the pics on the Endo.

I have been contemplating the 1:2, but I think I will stick with the CM 1:3. Only reason is that will fit better with what I have. As soon as I saw the difference in the scale of your pics, it pretty much says it all (I know, there is only a 12 inch height differential between the two, but when you consider the overall space, that was the clincher.

Thanks again, keep up the pics!

Hi Batman,

You can not go wrong with cm t800, the pose and base is much better imho. And besides now it has been discontinued and soon would be one of the highly collectible pcs. What I like SS half size endo is the size and the chrome endo. so for me, I would like to keep both.

Dont forget to pose yours t800 once you get it and good luck and happy hunting.

Amin Ko
Amin, can you post some more pictures of the Cinemaquette Predator? and out of all your items, would you say it is one of the better pieces?

Here the old scans which has been posted or before the custom made display comes.





And here the scans just taken today as per your request. Hope that helps and you like it. Yes, It is one of my favorite pcs and still the BEST.




Amin Ko
Thanks Mate.
Yes, it is glass display. very heavy and even four people can not lift the glass.

Amin Ko

Do you also have the Sideshow Maquette ?
If so, which one do you prefer and why ?
Do you also have the Sideshow Maquette ?
If so, which one do you prefer and why ?

Hi Vince,

Sorry, I dont have ss predator maquette. This one I missed it. wish I could have bought this pcs long time ago. Of course, I prefer the CM predator. But still I would like to own ss preadator maquette if I could find one in the near future. simply I like the predator.

Amin Ko