wow, that DK and Joker busts looks breathtaking.
who made them? *off the ebay*
edit: looks like they are DC direct, 1/2 scale but are they taller than the sideshow busts??
Yes, it is DC Direct.
Amin Ko
wow, that DK and Joker busts looks breathtaking.
who made them? *off the ebay*
edit: looks like they are DC direct, 1/2 scale but are they taller than the sideshow busts??
wow, that DK and Joker busts looks breathtaking.
who made them? *off the ebay*
edit: looks like they are DC direct, 1/2 scale but are they taller than the sideshow busts??
Black Spiderman Comiquette. I need to get me a tripod soon so that I can take better pictures.
Amin Ko
Thanks Bro. you have impressive iron man collections.
Maybe I should try Mark II since it has been sold out. haha
Amin Ko
Amin, these pics are without a tripod?
I cant even imagine what sweet quality you can get if you get a tripod!
They so much cheeper than your statues! Go get one!
Yes you should!
I saw the IM MKII in person at SDCC, from sideshow and I wasnt impressed!
You can do so much better!
Just take a look one more time!
Yes, without tripod. handheld shot.
Yes I need to get me a tripod soon..but just have no time to go to the camera shop. haaha.
And I am using 50mm. I should use 105mm micro..will try.
Amin Ko
For Nikon, 24-70mm + 105mm micro is the way to go.
I have 24-70 and tomorrow i will receive the 105mm...
Whatever the 50mm is excellent too.
And yes you need a tripod, it will change your life ^^ Manfrotto tripod are awesome but pricey.
50mm is a "standard" lens, very versatile.
Sure 24-70mm is pricey, but with it you have 4 lens in one
Why is the 105mm hardly use?