looks much better with a new hair cut, best bruce lee statue imo, they did a great job on that piece
Amin you can make your own Comic Conwhen is the opening date?
Amin....your T-800 Cinemaquette's pose appears to be a bit different than the one I have and the others I've seen. It stands up more straight and the head is not turned to the side as far.
As promised, here the HCG Endoskleton Half Size Bust scans which just taken today. Hope you guys like it. It looks awesome and must have pcs for terminator collectors.
Here is mine. just take new scan today with my new arrival of other sideshow stuffs. my base is not in the center position.
Amin Ko
Today is very special day 09-09-09 so here my cm bruce lee.
Amin Ko
Wow! Your Endo is considerably different than mine. I have never seen a CM Endo like your's, with a much more less-angled pose. I think it looks great.