Although I wanna start a slightly new topic: your best bargain? I'll start with the:chew Cave Troll which, believe me or not, I got for free!!!
Awesome collection indeed. How long have you been collecting these for? I'm assuming early enough to get some of the high-end pieces.
Me, I just started recently, and that leads into your new subject request. I couldn't believe it when I logged into ebay and saw the following for sale:
#160132127974 - Uruk-Hai Scout Statue = $199.99
#160132123798 - Moria Orc Swordsman Statue = $199.99
#160132130629 - Ring Wraith & Steed Statue = $369.99
#160132133631 - Boromir Statue = $179.99
#160132134338 - Aragorn Statue = $179.99
#160132144101 - Gimli Statue = $179.99
The only thing I didn't get was a moria orc archer statue also for $179.99. Someone beat me to it, immediate payment required, I went as fast as I could type. The adrenaline rush at seeing all of these for this cheap was better than winning a huge pot in poker. I had to do a double take and see if it was a scam somehow.
I don't think the girl knew what she had. And the packaging job, let me tell you. They came in two separate boxes, basically free floating in the large card board box, minimal styrofoam peanuts used. But I inspected them all, and no damage with excpetion to a few scuffs to the boxes. Thankfully she used UPS with tends to be more careful than USPS.
If it weren't for this deal, I'd probably have given up getting any of the older statues.