So it's Freddie One cooking here, right?
I'm very impressed with the glove, honestly! Stunning! Bravo,
Really would like to see it done into full set (maybe without body? maybe with unpainted head\hat?). Really-really would like to see it for the reasonable price, if it's possible.

(maybe about 300$ + shipping)
Can I sign in for 3 whole sets?
Not sure if I would get them (it depends of the final look of the set and of the cost), but me and my friends are very interested in your project. So one for me, one for my friend
RIDDICK (his actual nickname on this board) and one for my friend not from this board. So I'm not taking all 3 figures for myself,
just paying and shipping for few persons (yap, I'm the guy with the PayPal here, lol).
And the last thing: would be nice if everyone could build and order their own set with needed items! For example, buy sweater and the glove only. Or head, hat and glove only. I think that would be very nice, but not sure if it's acceptable for you,
Anyway, I'm (for myself) interested in the whole complete set (head, hat, glove, hand, sweater, pants, boots) with no body and head\hat\boots painting. That's my dream, if you'd ask me.
Anyway, you rocks!
I will watch this thread.
Good luck in this project, bro!