Nacelle Company - 1/12th Star Trek

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Everyline since Playmates quit making those figures in the 90s. Except Exo6. Who Nacelle seems to be kind of following by making figures that people haven't seen several times before. While I don't collect this scale, I really hope they succeed, and that Jellico and Tuvix are big hits so maybe Exo6 might make them.
Yup I'd be totally down for a 1/6 Tuvix and Garrett. And maybe even a Valkris as well, since she would look good next to Kruge as one of the earliest female Klingons. And she also had a pretty (ahem) memorable costume.
Which IMO is a smart choice. Every Trek line since the first playmates run aside from Exo 6 and Mego have failed. They fail because they do the big characters first. Nacelle trying something this far outside the box, giving fans a chance at getting these obscure characters, is something to be applauded and watched.

I'd say Art Asylum/Diamond Select did well. They completed TOS, DS9, TNG, and TWOK. THey also got quite a few ENT figs out too.
I'm not sure why they never
I’d say more people collect 1:12 scale than 1:6 by a lot. They’re waaaay more affordable.
Yeah, I was collecting a lot of the 1/2th scale stuff, until my wife said I should upgrade to 1/6 scale so it would look more, I dunno, adult? LOL. I think she may be regretting that now.
I'd say Art Asylum/Diamond Select did well. They completed TOS, DS9, TNG, and TWOK. THey also got quite a few ENT figs out too.
I'm not sure why they never
Completely forgot about Art Asylum. I was thinking more of McFarland, Mezco, and....there's one other I can't remember the name of.
Exo is probably onto something with not doing the biggest hitters until later. Don't know if it's applicable here. I don't know the business.

As a "non-expert" I worry a bit that it's too crazy. Even if one main character per wave happened I'd be a bit more optimistic.
I don't think ant figures without the main characters. The chance this does before they get there I'd guess is high. That other great looking Star Trek line that died after they couldn't get Guinan off the ground... And Guinan is a big character. Bigger than all of these. As big of a Meme Tuvix is... Not sure that translates to sales...

In the end I won't be getting these because of my own perceived risks of it not finishing and having a few super obscure figures with no stronger figures to go with. I also got that Word, Riker, Locutus, etc then the line died. I won't risk that. I hate incomplete lines more than anything.
Exo is in an unusual position to give me some confidence because of Nanjin's... Almost obsession.

Also after being spoiled by the quality of 1/6 of EXO. These look fairly typical in quality for 1/12. Jellico looks... Okay I guess...
This is certainly a unique approach, hopefully it goes well and they sell and Nacelle are able to bring out more known characters (Spock, Kirk, Picard etc) but I can see the desire to not do the major ones again (I've seen Khan and STII Kirk and Data's from the previous Star Trek Universe line from Playmates clogging toy shelves near me for a long time)

One thing that might be good if they did core characters would be to include alternate swapable heads, for example - Julian Bashir from DS9 seasons 1-3/4 and the EMH from Voyager both wear the same uniform (black with teal shoulders), so in theory you could release a figure with a Bashir head and an EMH head that can be swapped out.

That way some people will only want one of the characters and anyone who wants to have both of them can pick up two figures and then is able to have both figures

(They could even mix the packaging up at the factory so 50% of the figures have the Bashir head and the other 50% have the EMH head to appeal to MOC collectors)
If I could have had the TOS crew or Wrath of Khan crew I would have been up for all of them. But these are so obscure I don't think I need any of them, possibly the Sulu.

Give me Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Sulu, Uhura, Chekov, Chapel and Rand all in the first wave and I would be happy. Next wave Wrath of Khan, then TNG, DS9, VOY and then mixing it up etc.

I hope the line works out as they do look good.
They are clearly taking a leaf out of Nanjin's book. Start with unusual, less popular characters, that nobody has, and work up. This is an intriguing start. I was planning to stick with 1/6, but I can see me buying at least Valkris, Preston, and Sulu. Also, based on the line up, Rand from STVI or Flashback is a distinct possibility.
IMO Peter Preston is completely ridiculous.
Like... What?
Tuvix and the others, okay great I guess..

Peter F.N. Preston? What kind of drugs are they taking?

Why do I think he will struggle to sell double digits?
Though as a fan I appreciate the deep cuts, I've also got concerns about the business decision. If you are manufacturing a couple hundred of these and can somehow keep costs down it could make sense. But I can't imagine even 1000 of some of these being sold. Best of luck to them, though.
IMO Peter Preston is completely ridiculous.
Like... What?
Tuvix and the others, okay great I guess..

Peter F.N. Preston? What kind of drugs are they taking?

Why do I think he will struggle to sell double digits?

For the fans who have watched the Director's Cut, that actually gives context to why Scotty carried him to the bridge and why he was crying over Preston's deathbed, it's a good choice. That's why I was honestly hoping, if this line is successful, they might make a battle-damaged con variant of him or something.
It almost makes me sorry that I sold off all my Art Asylum figures, but that may be for the best. My wife, I'm pretty sure, would insist on one or the other. NOT both. Either 1/6 or 1/12 scale.
I love the idea of these deep characters and appreciate that they are not front loading the line with the big guns of Kirk, Spock, Picard, etc.
I will be interested and my decision to start this line will come with an announcement of the characters in the next wave. Will there be a cohesion that ties these deep characters together?
For example, will we see a Scotty with Peter or a Kruge with Valkris? I could imagine 7 or 8 waves of characters and having some cool themed “Wrath of Khan” or Search For Spock” figures. And, ultimately, building toward the big collections we all want to have.