Nathan Drake by Sideshow Collectible

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Yeah, it does seems like it. I wonder if boiling water could fix those cheeks as well. Anyway, I'd definitely recommend him to be repainted as soon as he's unboxed.

you probably have to go all korean plastic surgery and shave them down..ouch.
This is the worst SSC figure period. I mean is it 2006 again? If we going to get 2006 sculpts, give us 2006 prices.
I've seen worse.

Worst SSC figure? Eh. I think I might like this better than the Storm Shadow v2 figure that I have.

Edit: I don't even know what figure Boba Ben posted :lol
Haha I hope this becomes the worst figure ever in sideshows history and then becoming the rarest since everyone is cancelling their orders.

I just hope sony/naughty dog will never give their gaming franchise to SS ever again. Collaborate with threeA/threezero and hot toys instead.

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This is probably the worst VG figure I've ever seen since Medicom's Old Snake.

Old Snake's head is like a lifeless mannequin, but at least the proportions are correct and it doesn't have those dead shark eyes. This takes #1 as the worst 1/6 VG figure IMO.
The thing about Lara tho is it's old and figures now have a much much higher standard to live up to.

Very true.

Hey all. As promised. Just got home and took some photos for you all. Sorry about the iPhone pics. I don't have a good camera. I think I might know why the headsculpt looks weird. I believe his left eye doesn't look the same as his right. Seems to be too much white showing. Thus making his left eye looking bigger. He also has a wide jawbone so that gives him a chubby look. Have a look at the photos and decide what you think.

















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Looks like he's storing nuts for the winter in those cheeks.
100% my theory, it's the only thing on the market that does this. And it makes sense for a production company to make a easier proto in a larger scale then shrink it down. Also, while on the topic; I wonder what happened to Trevor's real sculpt? Is it just sitting in production site somewhere?!?

Gotcha. They either should have had the original sculpted in that manner or just left the sculpt alone. Not having Trevor do the modifcations likely meant someone w/o the same artistic concerns hacked away at it, or it was even done at the factory.

I do wonder where the original is, maybe Trevor gets to keep it... but probably not :lol

Actually, that sculpt pic is reassuring. I think there is a salvageable sculpt under that utterly horrid paint.

I'd agree and the eye placement is at least better for the newest one, but doesn't mean that's consistent across the release.

I've seen worse.


Poor Pamela... she looks good if you want a headless version :lecture
:lol :lol :lol

Although my money is still on Faramir as the worst, at least in terms of paint... even a Sideshow rep admitted they were shocked by how terrible he turned out.
