Well generally with a huge scale one would hope for increased realism. However paintwise I don't see increased realism - talking about faces and skin generally - all I see is less slop and more neatness than you get on NECAs 7" figures. For me I don't think thats enough for a figure at 1:4 scale. Personally I think I'd stick to NECA 7" to still get their incredible sculpts and high-end figures of 1:6 and 1:4 for ultimately more realistic treatment. I make exception for their creatures like Predators and Alien...and I may buy Dutch depending on what he comes out like. (NECA announced a 1:4 scale Dutch I believe)
i know what you mean...same reasons im not very overly excited at this point for these guys. Keaton bats face looks like John Belushi to me and cap like a dead eyed Vin diesel. the other reason being i just don't have the room for lots of 1/4 stuff

having seen cap in person and owning the masked city hunter pred i can say for a fact every issue their smaller scale figures suffer from are also present and accounted for with their larger format figures. cap has paint rub issues, the pred has/had some major stuck joints and parts that just do not fit properly when assembling it out of package...namely the shoulder canon
Neca really is just going for "affordable" larger scale.
don't expect these things to be in the same league as higher end 1/4 stuff and you wont be disappointed with them. what you do get is great for what you are paying for...but if you want super articulated QC free action figures, don't look for that here.