I certainly know which one I would choose if it were a figure. The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" springs to mind here. I'm in not the biggest expert, but blind Freddy can see that it's an artistic approximation of The Predator. The comparison pic clearly shows just how completely different the body sculpt and overall appearance is. Just look at the size of the hands, the thunder thighs, etc. The details of the armor is reminiscent of the original , but with loads of artistic license taken with the shapes and details. Just check out the blade gauntlet. Tankman obviously didn't have access to detailed photos or it would look more like the suit. It has more in common with the Classic from Predators, but even then the detail dosen't match up.
It's not accurate and that's all there is to it. It's still great for the money, despite it's inaccuracies. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It's lucky that Hot Toys fans aren't so intolerant of others opinions or this forum would be a war zone.