NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Yeah, well, no one likes Predator 2 except the fans. And that did something different. But no! We want a movie like the first Predator! Oh no! We don't want a movie like the first Predator!

RR should take full control over the franchise. Just in spite of all of you. :lol

But seriously. Every Predator story ever written is exactly the same. I've read a handful. And while incredibly entertaining, ulitmately the could never be more then a very entertaining action movie.

Predators was a step in the right direction. Don't care what anyone in this world says. If they took that concept, and put it into overdrive, and didn't hold back, the next flick should be awesome. Predators in SPACE. That's where it has to go. It won't be original, but it would be worthwhile.
well who else is supposed to like Predator 2 but the fans? My mom just saw it recently not knowing anything about the franchise and even she liked it. Who said they wanted to see another Predator movie like the first? I think you made that up. If RR took full control, it would just be a lamer version of Predators cause he wouldn't have anymore ideas to steal. Predator films aren't supposed to be serious films, they're supposed to be entertaining action films, what more are you looking for?
I didn't make anything up. Predator 2 is not well loved.

EVERYONE should like a movie if it's great like the first Predator.

We can do this ____ all day long. Point is, you'll never see a Predator movie that isn't like the first one. Ever.

Even Predator 2 rips off Predator. Aside from that ending, it's just a location change.

And besides, there probably won't be another Predator movie for a long time. No one cares about them any more. Aside from us. Predators didn't grab the GA's attention. Neither did the AvP's.

Unless they bust out something, that proves me wrong, I don't know.

I think it's a dead franchise no one want's to work with any more. Everyone is scared to touch it. Predators was a bit of a rip off. But they tried. And when you compare it to the dreck that is AvP-R, it's a lot more pleasing.

The only thing the general audience knows about Predator now is that Arnold was in it, and they fight Aliens.
Well, there's your problem. :lol

I love the Predator.

But Dutch was the ____. You rooted for him. You kinda rooted for Harrigan. And I know you didn't root for Royce. :lol

But still. The good characters made the first movie really special .Made it better then your run of the mill monster movie/
You said "we want a movie like the first Predator". Nobody has said that. Of course everyone wants a Predator film to be as good as the first, but that's not realistic. I don't know what your talking about with P2 ripping off the original and only Predators ripping it off a bit. Predators uses an identical jungle environment, using the same music, the same exact Predator design,and copying exact scenes to almost a tee. Predator 2 doesn't do anything the first one did. AVP-R may have been a fail of a movie, but even the collectibles from that movie have sold waaaaaaaaaay better then anything from Predators.
Because they all came out before the movie. :lol

Predators stuff came out after aside from a few things. And since the Predators weren't really all one bought them

And who cares? AvP-R sucks _______. :lol.
Well, there's your problem. :lol

I love the Predator.

But Dutch was the ____. You rooted for him. You kinda rooted for Harrigan. And I know you didn't root for Royce. :lol

But still. The good characters made the first movie really special .Made it better then your run of the mill monster movie/

I'm not sure, I'd say I was with Harrigan. And Royce for that matter. In the endless haze of oversized egomaniacs, alarmists, and unnecessarily sentimental players, he was one of the few with his head screwed on straight. He, Nikolai, and Hanzo were my guys.

(Isabelle was more mushy-gushy than one would normally be in a survival situation that extreme. As for Stans, he was awesome, but not for rooting purposes. More like the dark comic relief of the film. His death was unavoidable.
Because they all came out before the movie. :lol

Predators stuff came out after aside from a few things. And since the Predators weren't really all one bought them

And who cares? AvP-R sucks _______. :lol.

yea, somehow, some way, the Wolf bust, Predalien bust, diorama, Wolf Bio, gun, shurken, and spear all came out before the movie :rolleyes2 :cuckoo:. Yea, your right, the Predators characters all sucked, just like the movie, so that would be a good reason for nobody to buy it.
They did. Aside from the busts. I got the Wolf Mask a month after the movie came out. And I believe all pre-orders were before the movie was out too.

But hey, if you want to by products from Predator Fanboy Fap fest, Which is what AvP-R is, then by all means. Continue supporting that piece of ____.

Honestly, I can admit Predators has flaws. And isn't a good movie.

But it's way better then AvP-R. Which has nothing good about it. Nothing.
But look, this conversation is going to go on and on....point is, as someone who likes both monsters, equally, and grew up on them, seeing one of the utterly destroyed is really, really sad.

Predators didn't destroy. It just didn't take a chance. Which was it's biggest flaw.

AvP-R took a chance, and turned something respectable, into something retarded. Just because people buy ____, doesn't make the movie worth it. That's stupid. That's like saying ticket prices determine if the film is good or not.

People will buy Predators. Why do you think NECA is whoring them out? The Predators designs were too different to catch people's interest. But they sure bought the Classic one.

So in conclusion. There hasn't been a good Predator movie since 1986. :D